Chapter 2

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Batman returns to the Batcave where Red Robin aka Tim Drake & Robin aka Damien Wayne, Bruce Wayne's son, are talking to Oracle, Huntress aka Helena Bertinelli, & Spoiler aka Stephanie Brown on the Batcomputer screen while Alfred stands by them. Batman exits the Batmobile and removes his cowl as he approaches them.

Alfred Pennyworth: Master Bruce, Miss Gordon has informed us of Hannah Baker.

Damien Wayne: That's the girl that my grandfather brought back with the pit, isn't she?

Bruce Wayne: Yes, she is. Any update, Barbara?

Barbara Gordon: I've been scanning CCTV camera from all over Gotham. I've been using facial recognition and I managed to get a couple of hits. Behold...

Barbara sends CCTV footage she was able to find to the Batcomputer. Bruce plays the footage and everyone sees Hannah walking around town in a hoodie.

Tim Drake: Someone should've told her that the perfect disguise is not a hoodie.

Damien Wayne: Especially if she's trying to hide from my mother & grandfather. And it looks like she dyed her hair blonde.

Helena Bertinelli: But why would she come to Gotham?

Stephanie Brown: Doesn't she know that there are eyes here in Gotham from the League?

Bruce Wayne: She of all people should know that. She's probably here for me.

Alfred Pennyworth: Why would she come to you?

Bruce Wayne: Before she left Evergreen, I offered her help and guidance.

Barbara Gordon: Looks like she's taken you up on that offer.

The next day at the Gotham City Police Department, Bullock & Montoya are finishing up their paper work when they are approached by the police sketch artist.

Police Sketch Artist: Hey, Bullock, Montoya. I just finished up with The Ventriloquist and his men. They all gave me the same description. The Ventriloquist was the only one who had a good look at the attacker's face.

Renee Montoya: And?

Police Sketch Artist: Here you go.

The sketch artist hand them a sketch of The Ventriloquist attacker. They take a good look at the sketch...

Harvey Bullock: It's a girl?

Renee Montoya: She looks like a teenager.

Police Sketch Artist: That's what he told me.

Renee Montoya: Alright, we'll get a facial recognition and see what we'll come up with.

Harvey Bullock: It will come up saying that The Ventriloquist & his men got their ass kicked and getting his hand chopped by a teenager.

While Bullock & Montoya get to work, Hannah is in her motel room with a laptop combing through social media. She is checking up on her friends back at Liberty. She goes to Jessica's Facebook page to see her status. Hannah sees that she was at a party last night for all the seniors in Evergreen County called Find Your Drink. She searches up #FindYourDrink on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter and finds pictures & videos of high school seniors in Evergreen County having fun. She sees a video of Diego Torres honoring Monty, who Hannah killed. She also sees Monty's little sister, Estella, standing next to Diego & Luke Holliday. Seeing Estella in that video honoring Monty doesn't make Hannah feel anything for her and she knows that it's one of the effects from being resurrected by the Lazurus Pit. She wanted to feel bad & sorry for Estella but she can't. She then finds a video of Clay beating up a boy as Zach tries to stop  him but gets pushed put of the way by Clay as he also pushes Justin out of the way and roars at everyone at the party. Hannah pauses the video as she takes a good look at Clay, it was not the boy that she was in loved with. Hannah knew that her suicide, the tapes, her trial, & being wrongfully arrested for Bryce's murder did a real number on Clay's mental health.

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