Chapter 9

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Hannah Baker's luck had run out, she has been arrested by the Gotham City Police Department. Detectives Harvey Bullock & Renee Montoya arrive to GCPD with Hannah in tow. They take her out of the squad car and they walk her inside the police station. They enter the station as they walk by police officers and criminals who had been arrested. They come up on a street thug who was bleeding from his nose as he was handcuff to a desk as the officer is processing him. Hannah looks at the thug and sees that he is bleeding from his nose as her eyes turn green once again as she pushes off Bullock & Montoya and tackles the thug while her hands are handcuffed from behind her back. Hannah wraps her legs around the thug's neck and begins choking him as Montoya & Bullock try to separate the 2. Superman enters the police station with Batman and they see Hannah choking a thug bleeding from his nose. Superman super speeds towards them and grabs Hannah as he look into her eyes and he was taken a bit surprise when he saw that her eyes are green. Batman goes up to Hannah and injects her with a tranquilizer gun as it puts Hannah to sleep.

Batman: She'll be out for 10 minutes.

Superman: Her eyes, they were green.

Batman: It was the bloodlust.

Harvey Bullock: Blood what?

Batman: It's one of the effects of the Lazarus Pit. The man she was attacking, he's bleeding from his nose. She saw the blood...

Superman: And it triggers the blood lust, going in for the kill.

10 Minutes have past as Hannah wakes up and they begin to process her. The police take her finger prints & take her mugshot as they then place her in a interrogation room. Hannah just sits there all alone as Commissioner Gordon, Detectives Bullock & Montoya, Batman, & Superman look on from another room behind a the 2 way mirror.

Renee Montoya: It's confirmed, she is indeed Hannah Baker.

Harvey Bullock: Finger prints are a match. Time to call her parents.

Batman: You can't.

Jim Gordon: Why not? They have a right to know that their daughter is alive again.

Batman: The League of Assassins know she's here in Gotham. They were the one who hired Bane to bring her back to Ra's al Ghul. Bane's plan was to flush me out knowing that she would show up. By informing them of her resurrection, you'll be endangering them with the League of Assassins.

Superman: Not to mention her issue with that bloodlust. That girl need all the help she can have.

Batman: I've been trying to contact John Constantine, nothing.

A man enters the room, it's the District Attorney for Gotham City.

Jim Gordon: Superman, this is Austin Moore, Gotham's District Attorney.

Superman: Pleasure to meet you.

Superman shakes Austin Moore's hand.

Austin Moore: Wow, Superman is shaking my hand. Sorry I haven't called you back, Jim.

Jim Gordon: It's ok. Well, how bad?

Austin Moore: Well, faking her suicide...

Batman: She didn't fake it, she actually committed suicide.

Austin Moore: Then how is she...

Superman: She was resurrected.

Renee Montoya: Long story.

Austin Moore: Okay, where was I... Right, so she didn't faked her death, but she did committed murder. We have her on 6 counts of murder, that's life in prison. But, from what I'm hearing in the station, she might be nuts?

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