Chapter 7

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Hannah has finished telling Bruce, Damien, Tim, & Alfred what she went through these past 4 months including her run in with The Flash & what happened in Metropolis.

Bruce Wayne: You saw your own blood and then you blacked out.

Hannah Baker: Yeah. Next thing I know, the gunmen were dead with their blood on me.

Damien Wayne: Bloodlust.

Hannah Baker: Bloodlust?

Damien Wayne: It's one of the effects of the Lazarus Pit. Blood triggers it.

Bruce Wayne: Seeing or smelling blood, you black out. She's still inside you.

Hannah Baker: Prometheus.

Bruce Wayne: We need John Constantine, he can help get rid of Prometheus and restore your soul.

Bruce goes to the Batcomputer and begins to try contacting John Constantine. Back at the GCPD, Commissioner Gordon gathered his policer officers with pictures of Hannah from her time in Evergreen & Metropolis as well as her sketch drawing.

Jim Gordon: All right, listen up. We have a fugitive on the loose. The suspects is a suppose 18 year old dead girl. Her name is Hannah Baker, or Jessica Jensen according to Metropolis P.D. We gave Batman 48 hours to find her last night.

Harvey Bullock: So now he has til tomorrow night.

Jim Gordon: In the meantime, this girl is hiding somewhere in Gotham. According to Batman, The League of Assassins are also after her, so be on the lookout for them as well. I want squad cars to look in the Downtown area, Red Light District, even Amusement Mile. She is armed and dangerous. But remember, she's only just a kid, so bring her in alive. Let's get to work.

The police officers spread out and prepare to look for Hannah as Renee Montoya approaches both Gordon & Bullock.

Renee Montoya: Jim, what happens if we catch her? What's going to happen to her?

Jim Gordon: I still haven't heard back from the D.A.'s office. I told him everything. But hopefully we can get her the help she needs.

Harvy Bullock: Help? What help? She's a murderer. You saw the images from Metropolis, she's a stone cold killer. Who can help her anyway, not Arkham that's for sure.

Jim Gordon: I don't know and I don't want her going to Arkham either.

Meanwhile in Downtown Gotham, Lois Lane & Jimmy Olsen have arrived to Gotham as they exit their airplane and retrieve their luggage.

Lois Lane: Alright, first thing we do is find a motel and then go to GCPD and asked them about the girl.

Jimmy Olsen: You really think this is a good idea, Lois? Going after a killer is not a good idea.

Lois Lane: Relax, Jimmy. Wherever I go, Superman won't be far.

Jimmy Olsen: But what about Batman? Or his enemies?

Lois Lane: What about them?

Jimmy Olsen: What if we run into Batman's enemies?

Lois Lane: Relax, we won't.

Lois & Jimmy hail for cab as it stops, they get on, and the cab drives away. Lois & Jimmy aren't the only ones who arrived to Gotham City. At the private space of Gotham Airport, a plane arrives with a group of mercenaries lead by Bane.

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