Chapter 1: The Portkey

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*Please note that Harry Potter, Hogwarts, and many characters and ideas from this book were created by JK Rowling. The character Alexandria Payton Weasley was created by me. Her entire existence has been created by altering JK Rowling's story lines to match my own ideas. No copyright infringement is intended. Thank you for reading my story.*

"Lex." shake shake. "Alex." shake shake. "Alexiaaa." violent shove. thud.

"Ouchh. Gosh dammit, Fred, George," I whined, rubbing my head which had just hit the ground as I fell off of my bed. Well, was pushed off of it.

"Sorry," my brothers chorused sheepishly, each of them offering me a hand to help me up.

"It's just that today is the day," explained George. I grinned as he helped me to my feet. I was thoroughly excited for the Quidditch Cup. It'd be my first year seeing it and I finally get to meet some of my twin's friends. Yes, I was Ronald's twin sister. Older by six minutes. I had yet to meet the famous Harry Potter whom apparently stayed at our house a lot when I was in France. After the Cup we'd go strait to Hogwarts.

"Glad to finally have your kid sister at school with you?" I teased, playfully punching George's shoulder. I had been enrolled at Beauxbatons school for witches in France since I was eleven. I had gone to Beauxbatons for three years and wanted to spend my fourth at Hogwarts with my family. I'd gone to Beauxbatons because of some rather persistent nagging of our aunt Florence to go to 'la meilleure école dans le monde' (the best school in the world). I decided to transfer out at the end of last year to be closer to my brothers and Ginny, and to get away from the snobby, rich, entitled girls that went to Beauxbatons. I was always so different from them. While they mostly had tanned skin, blonde hair, and tall figures, I stood at a measly 5'4", have ghostly pale skin with freckles across my face, and hair that is naturally the expected Weasley Red.

"When are we leaving for the Cup?" I asked Fred as I walked over to the closet to grab clothes for today and my backpack filled with a change of clothes, pajamas, a hairbrush, makeup, and my glasses for the overnight tent stay on the grounds of the Cup stadium.

"Alexia Payton Weasley, get your butt down stairs this instant, we are late!" called Mum from downstairs.

"And that'd be our cue," Fred and George turned on their heels and ran down the stairs. I smiled and shook my head.

"I'll be down in a minute, Mum!" I called. Quickly putting on a pair of grey skinny jeans, a burgundy cropped tee shirt, and slipping on my black Doc Martins that aunt Florence bought me from a muggle store in France. I stuck my wand into my boot, slung my brown backpack onto my shoulder, and walked into the bathroom across the hall. I quickly put on some black eyeliner and mascara, braided my hair, and headed down the stairs.

As soon as I got to the first floor, my nose was hit with the smell of bacon and toast. I walked into the kitchen and was met with the rest of my family sitting at the table with empty plates in front of them.

"Alexia, grab a piece of toast, we need to go now. We're late!" my mum waved her wand and the dishes flew from the table to the sink and began washing themselves. Fred and George were bickering at the table over who should eat the last piece of bacon. Mum placed a hand on Fred and George's shoulders and with a small pop they disappeared. I grabbed a piece of dry toast and the last piece of bacon as my dad, Ron, and Ginny stood from the table. We all grabbed ahold of one of his arms.

"We have to make a quick stop at Harry's, then Hermione's and then we can meet up with Cedric and Mr. Diggory at the portkey," explained Dad. And with that, we apparated into a small bedroom. A boy about my age was sitting on a small, twin sized bed and noticeably jumped when we arrived. He had rather unruly jet black hair, crooked round framed glasses, and wore a navy blue shirt and brown pants. I'd seen his face numerous times plastered on the Daily Profit. This boy was Harry Potter.

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