Chapter 5: Times Tables & The Potions Professor

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I opened my eyes slowly and came face to face with Hermione. I rubbed my eyes with my hand and scanned around the room. Romilda was gone, probably in the common room or something. Hermione was already dressed in her Gryffindor uniform and had her robe thrown over her arm.

"Breakfast is starting in a half hour. I'm going to head down to the common room for a while," Hermione stated.

"I'll see you at breakfast," I replied, sitting up and getting out of bed. Hermione left and I rummaged around in the dresser next to my bed and grabbed a towel, shampoo, a bar of lavender soap, my uniform, undergarments, and a pair of black ballet flats. I walked to the bathroom in the girls dormitories which was the last door at the end of the hall and took a quick shower, changed, and did a spell to dry my hair. I walked back to my room and quickly put on a touch of eyeliner, pink lipstick, and mascara. I threw my hair into a ponytail and walked down the stairs to the common room. I scanned the room until my eyes caught a familiar face adorned with round specks sitting near the fireplace.

"Hiya, Harry," I said cheerily, walking over to the chair where he sat. Only a few people were left in the common room.

"Hey, Alexia," replied Harry. "Ron and Hermione already went to breakfast, it should be starting about now."
"No surprise there, Ron can't wait for his food," I said, rolling my eyes.

"He sure does like his food," said Harry, repressing a grin. "However, the French toast is pretty good," he reasoned. He stood up from the chair he sat in. "Would you like to walk down to the Great Hall?"

"Sure," I replied. "I could definitely eat some French toast," I said, smiling. We walked through the portrait hole and down several flights of stairs, through a couple of hallways, and through the large open doors of the Great Hall. Gosh, I thought, memorizing the floor plan of this school is going to be the death of me. Harry and I walked up to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to Ron and Hermione. Ron was feasting on some waffles and sausages while Hermione was picking at some scrambled eggs. Harry grabbed a piece of toast and some eggs. I put a piece of French toast, per Harry's suggestion, and some strawberries on my plate and picked up my goblet.

"Chocolate milk," I said clearly, and watched as my glass filled with what I had uttered. I could get used to this.

"So, what classes did your professors teach at Beauxbatons?" asked Hermione.

"Charms, Potions, Home Making, Greenhouse, Transfiguration, Dark Arts Combat, stuff like that," I replied.

"It's mostly the same here," said Ron, picking up another piece of sausage and putting it on his plate.

"Did you have Quidditch?" asked Harry. I nodded.

"We didn't have houses though so we played against other schools. We played Durmstrang a few times each year. Krum is scary good," I replied. Harry's mouth fell open.

"Merlin, Ron. Why didn't you tell me?! I would've gotten up and transferred," said Harry.

"Yes, Harry. To an all witch school. Great plan," giggled Hermione, rolling her eyes and taking a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"Did you play yourself? What position?" questioned Harry.

"Chaser," I said. "We'll have to play over the winter break. I do expect you're both staying for the holidays."

"Course they are," said Ron, throwing his arm over Harry's shoulders

"Attention, attention!" called a voice from the front of the room. Everyone shifted their eyes to McGonagal who had a stack of papers at her feet that was nearly as tall as she was. "These," she said as she gestured to the stack, "are your times tables. In a moment each and every one of you will receive a piece of parchment with a list of your classes and the times. Every first year student and those who have come from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will also receive a map of our school. Circumfero!" At the last word, the stack of parchment began to distribute itself to every student in the room. After a few moments, a piece of paper landed in front of me with the header 'Times Table: Alexia P. Weasley.'

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