Chapter 2: Quidditch, Movies, & The Burrow

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I woke up the next day with knots in my hair and cold feet. This didn't surprise me, as my hair was usually frizzy if I didn't brush it at least a dozen times a day and I seldom wore socks to sleep. After we got home from the night before, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I sat on the floor of Ron's room and Harry recounted what had happened after we got separated.

Harry said that he fell and hit his head pretty hard, knocking him unconscious. He came to a few minutes later after everyone had cleared out of the grounds of the Cup. When he came to he sat up and saw a man that he didn't recognize cast the Dark Mark. The man started to come towards Harry, but apparated away once he heard us calling him. We all talked a bit more after that, but soon decided to go to bed. Hermione went down to Ginny's room on the second floor to sleep, Ron and Harry stayed in the bunk beds in Ron's room, and I went across the hall to my bedroom.

I shook the thoughts of last night from my head and stood up from my bed. My bare feet hit the cool wood floor of my bedroom and I stretched my arms. I yawned as I walked over to my closet door, grabbed an outfit for the day, and changed into it. I had decided on a long sleeved floral shirt, a pair of black high waisted skinny jeans with rips in the knees, my black Docs, and a burgundy watch. I brushed the knots out of my hair and put it into a ponytail. I stuck my wand into my boot just as I heard a knock on my door. (Author's Note: this is literally my style. Terribly hipster with a dash of artsy grunge. It's lame as heck.)

"Come in," I called. Ginny walked in carrying her broomstick.

"Some of us are going to go play Quidditch. Care to join?" she asked.

"I'm in," I replied, grinning as I grabbed my broom from its usual spot next to my closet door and walked downstairs with her. I walked with her through the living room, into the kitchen where I grabbed a green apple, and out the back door into the backyard. Outside Ron, Harry, Hermione, Fred, and George were waiting, everyone but Hermione with brooms. "You playing, Hermione?" I asked. Ron and Harry started cracking up.

"No, no, me on a broom is a bit horrifying," she said, blushing slightly. "I'll mediate."

"Alright!" said Fred loudly. "Let's pick teams. Ron, Lex, you guys be captains."

"You can pick first," Ron said. Bad idea Ronnykins, I thought.

"Alright. Harry," I said and Ron groaned. I took a bit of my apple and chewed it slowly. "Sorry I took your seeker," I teased, grinning. Even without going to Hogwarts, I knew Harry was a legend when it came to seeking. Ron never shut up about it.

"Ginny," Ron muttered.

"Fred," I said.

"Picked last am I?" said George, faking hurt as he joined Ron's team.

Our backyard was a bit smaller than most Quidditch pitches, but it worked well all the same. We had goals set up on either side and Ron went to get the balls from the shed, a gift from Mum and Dad from three Christmases ago. Harry was going to play seeker, naturally, I was playing chaser, and Fred was doubling as both beater and keeper. On Ron's team, Ginny was chaser, Ron, hilariously, was playing seeker, and George was doubling as both keeper and beater like Fred. Hermione walked over to the box of balls as we all took our places in the air. She released the bludgers, then the snitch, then threw the quaffle into the air between Ginny and I. I jolted forward on my broom and caught it just before Ginny stretched out her arms. She glared at me as I flew around her towards their goal posts.

"Sorry, Sis!" I called over my shoulder, laughing as I flew through the air. I grinned widely as I watched a bludger fly towards George, him hitting it away and giving me just enough time to throw the quaffle through their twenty point goal post.

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