Chapter 6: The Room of Requirement

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(Author's Note: so I'm at a block with this chapter and I'm not sure if I like what I've written so far so feedback is greatly appreciated. Comment how you think the chapter should end!)

"Remind me to never eat that many slices of ham again," groaned Ron as we stepped through the portrait hole.

"Only if you advise me to never eat another pumpkin pasty for at least a week," I muttered. Six was far too many. Hermione checked her muggle watch.

"It's quarter past seven, are any of you going to change out of your robes before we go to the ROR?" asked Hermione.

"I for sure am," I replied.

"Me too," agreed Harry.

"I guess that makes three of us," added Ron. We walked up to the dormitories and I began pulling clothes out of my wardrobe.

"Mione?" I called. "I don't know what to wear." She had already changed into a pair of light jeans and a purple blouse, leaving her grey flats on but taking off her stockings.

"Let me see..." she said, pawing through the drawers full of my non uniform clothes. After a moment she handed me a pile. "This." I put on what she handed me and looked in the mirror.

"Hermione, you're brilliant," I said, grinning. She'd grabbed a pair of dark skinny jeans and a Beauxbatons color blue v neck tee shirt. I too left on my black uniform flats. "Leave your hair up, it looks nice." I grinned and grabbed my wand, sticking it into the waistband of my jeans.

"Time to go."

We walked down to the common room and met Harry and Ron. Ron decided on a pair of khaki colored pair of pants and a Chudley Cannons tee shirt while Harry wore a pair of black pants and a dark green long sleeved shirt.

"Ready for your first official Hogwarts party?" asked Ron cheerily.

"Intrigued and a little scared but excited all the same," I replied, grinning. We walked out of the Gryfindor common room and through the portrait hole. We walked for a few minutes until we were in an empty hallway. "Where's the door?" I asked, staring at the blank wall that stood before us.

"Any second now..." Harry trailed off. "There!" he pointed to a small crack in the wall that began to expand until it was in the shape of an arched door. Hermione walked to the door and pushed it open.

"Welcome to the Room of Requirement," she said, grinning. We all stepped through the door and I took in the scene around us.

The room had high ceilings like the rest of Hogwarts. Each of the four walls were painted a different color to represent the four houses. To the right was a large fireplace with about a dozen couches and chairs around it. To the left there was a large table filled with snacks and drinks ranging from pumpkin juice and chocolate frogs to potato crisps and a few bottles of fire whisky. People from all houses were milling around the room, some near the food, some in the center of the room, and some lounging on the couches. George was talking with Fred while eating a chocolate frog. When he saw that we came in, the two of them walked over to us.

"And I would probably consider you to be the guest of honor, Sis," said George, grinning. "Ready for the first game?"

"Sure," I said casually as we all walked over to the fireplace. Fred grabbed a bottle of fire whisky and a bottle of lemon juice from the table and joined us at the fireplace. By now, it was a large group with some faces I didn't know. However, Romilda and Lavender were there, as well as the Patil twins, a group of Slytherins that I recognized from Potions, a girl I'd met on the train who's name I think was Luna, and Cedric Diggory. We'd all taken seats in the various chairs and couches with a few people on the ground.

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