Chapter 7: Ickle Ronnykins

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Author's Note: I can't believe it's been 6 months since I last gave you guys a proper update. So so sorry. I'd also just like to say how unbelievably thankful I am to have my (unfinished) story at 20,000 reads. It means so so much to me, I can't even begin to put it into words. That you all for bearing with me and for being so kind (for the most part) and encouraging me to work on this story once again. Thanks for reading.


"Ron, wake up," I whispered loudly, smacking him on the arm with my Herbology book. Ron stirred slightly.

"Huhh?.." he yawned, sitting up slightly at the breakfast table.

"Breakfast ends in ten minutes, I'd thought you'd like to show up on time for Transfiguration," I reasoned. Ron groaned.

"Well, I'm going to go to Herbology while both of you decide whether or not to piss off McGonagall on the first day of her class," said Hermione, standing from the table and briskly making her way out of the doors of the Great Hall.

"I've got Care of Magical Creatures. Hagrid won't care if I'm a few minutes late," stated Harry. Ron groaned again.

"At least you have a decent class," Ron said miserably. I rolled my eyes.

"It couldn't be THAT bad," I said, drinking the last sip of my pumpkin juice and standing from the table. "I'll see you in Transfiguration," I said sternly Ron, smiling at Harry before walking out of the Great Hall. I'd yet to memorize the map of the school, so I did the best I could to remember where the Transfiguration room was. All I remember is taking a ton of rights, a few lefts, going up three flights of stairs, and ending up in the room with McGonagall and a dozen other students. Other students continued to file in until lastly, Ron, stepped through the doorway.

"Let's begin," said McGonagall, clasping her hands together. "Today we are going to be focusing on transfiguring a mouse into a cat." A few people giggled. "Ah yes, I see the irony in the situation. However, that is indeed the lesson so let's start with the incantation." McGonagall took a small white mouse from a drawer in her desk and put it on top of her desk. A desk full of mice? What else does this school have? I thought. McGonagall drew her wand from her dark green robes and held it an inch away from the mouse. "Transmutiere ade felline," she said briskly. We watched as the small white mouse slowly grew. It's ears began to become more pointed and it's thin tail grew longer and became rather fluffy. It's nose shrunk and it's fur grew longer. After a few moments, the mouse had completely transfigured into a white, long haired cat. McGonagall looked quite pleased with herself. "One at a time, you will take a mouse and return to your seats. You will tap it lightly three times and say 'transmutiere ade felline.' If all goes well, we will have a class full of cats by the end of the period. Begin."

Everyone formed a line and after a few minutes, I returned to my seat with a tan mouse with dark brown spots. Ron sat next to me holding a cream colored mouse with half a tail.

"I bloody hate transfiguring animals," muttered Ron, drawing his battered wand from inside his robes. I sent him a small smile and took my wand out of my boot. I twirled it in my fingers a couple of times and looked down at the mouse in my hand.

It was tiny with tan fur riddled with dark brown spots. It had surprisingly long whiskers and it scrunched its nose as it padded around in circles in my hand. it sniffed my hand and I giggled for a moment as it nuzzled into my fingertips. However, the giggling abruptly came to a stop when the tiny rodent sunk its small, yet incredibly sharp teeth into my ring finger.

"OUCH YOU ARSE!" I yelped sharply, setting the mouse down on the table in front of me. I looked down at my bloody (literally) finger and scowled at the mouse. Using my left, non dominant wand hand, I pointed the tip of my wand at the mouse and said briskly, "Transmutiere ade felline."

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