Neighborhood Watch

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"The neighborhood is recruiting people for patrols." Boyfriend said one morning.

"I know. They actually approached me." Girlfriend said.

"Really?" Boyfriend asked.

"Remember that time I beat up that thief in front of everyone? That's probably why." Girlfriend explained.

"Oh, yeah. That makes sense, but..." Boyfriend began. "Would this be okay?" He asked.

"Aw, you're worried about me?" Girlfriend asked, her cheeks turning pink. Boyfriend laughed a bit.

"Not at all. It's the suspicious person people have been spotting that I'm worried about. Who knows what'll happen to them if you join neighborhood watch?" He replied. Girlfriend giggled.

"Still, there's nothing to do around here when my maid work is done." She said. Boyfriend sighed.

"Now that we're dating, you don't have to do maid work." He then put his hand on his chin in thought. "Well then, you'd have nothing to do at all..." He reconsidered. "Eh. I think you'll be fine joining neighborhood watch as long as you don't kill anybody." He said.

"Alright, then!" Girlfriend exclaimed, determinedly. A few hours later, Girlfriend met Lila outside of the apartment with her neighborhood watch shirt on. "So, what am I supposed to do?" She asked.

"Oh, just walk around the area and see if you spot anything strange." Lila replied. They walked the area together.

"Do you know any self defense?" Girlfriend asked Lila.

"Not at all." Lila replied with a smile on her face.

"And what if something happens?" Girlfriend asked.

"This is a very safe town." Lila said. However, as soon as those words escaped her mouth, they spotted three young men who looked like trouble, all armed right in front of them.

"A red zone right away?" Girlfriend thought. She turned to Lila and noticed her shaking in fear. Girlfriend tapped her on her shoulder. "Aren't they causing trouble by blocking the way of the street?" She asked.

"Well, yes." Lila said, her voice also shaky.

"We should give them a gentle warning." Girlfriend said.

"But..." Lila began. Girlfriend ignored her and walked forward.

"Hey! You're being a nuisance if you loiter here. I'd suggest moving somewhere else." Girlfriend said. One of the men who was wearing an eyepatch, dark clothes and had a pink Mohawk walked up to her and got in her face.

"What was that?" He asked in a threatening tone. "Are you saying you got a problem with us?"

"I am. Are you humans too dense to understand your own language?" Girlfriend asked. This of course, ticked the man off.

"Quit screwing with us!" He yelled, throwing a punch at Girlfriend. She moved out of the way, found where her attacker was open, and hit him there. Girlfriend hit a nerve, which caused the gang member to fall to the floor instantly. This left the two other young men he was with simply stare in horror.

"This is the last time I'll tell you." She said, walking closer to them. With a red gleam in her eye, she spoke loud and clear. "Get out of the road." The boys yelled in fear and ran away.

"You'll regret picking a fight with the goth punks!" Said one of the gang members, a young man in a blue ninja costume.

"What kind of name is that?" Girlfriend asked. She turned to a still shaken Lila. "Let's get back to patrol." Girlfriend said.

Boyfriend's Demon GF (part 3 to Boyfriend's Demon Maid)Where stories live. Discover now