Boyfriend's Cold

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A simple throat clear turned into a coughing fit.

"Are you alright, Boyfriend?" Girlfriend asked, about to hand him his coat for work. "Do you need to stay in?" 

"It's just a small cold." Boyfriend said.

"Huh. I've never understood those." Girlfriend said.

"Don't demons catch them, too?" Boyfriend asked.

"There's no way a virus could survive in a body like mine." Girlfriend replied. 

"Must be nice." Boyfriend muttered in response, pulling on his coat. "Well, I'm off." He said.

"Are you alright to go?" Girlfriend asked, still worried.

"I'll be fine." Boyfriend said. This was quite ironic as he passed out before he could even touch the doorknob.

"Boyfriend!" Girlfriend exclaimed.

Boyfriend woke up a few minutes after Girlfriend took off his work clothes and dragged him back into bed. Boyfriend looked at the thermometer Girlfriend made him use.

"That's high." He uttered weakly.

"You're burning up! Are you in danger?" Girlfriend asked, clutching his hand tightly.

"It'll be alright. Besides, you've seen me like this before. Remember when I ate that chocolate with the love potion in it?" He asked. Girlfriend nodded, still unsure. "But, obviously, I can't go to work so I'll have to call them--"

"I'll do it!" Girlfriend interrupted. 

"A cold?" Pico asked from the office. "Got it. Let him know we'll handle it somehow." He said.

"Okay." Girlfriend replied. "Uh, Pico?" She asked.

"Yeah?" Pico replied.

"I gave Boyfriend some medicine and he fell asleep, but... What else do you humans do in a situation like this? I've just... Never seen Boyfriend like this before." Girlfriend asked.

"What about shrinking and killing the cold germs like that one episode of The Magic School Bus?" Pico suggested.

"I could do that, but, there's a high chance that I'd destroy Boyfriend's cells in the process." Girlfriend said.

"I don't know. Maybe nurse him all day 'till he starts to feel better." Pico said. He briefly hung up after that. He did have a lot of work to do since Boyfriend wouldn't be there to help him with a company project that was due soon.

"Now I get it..." Girlfriend said in a low voice. "What Boyfriend needs is maid power!" She exclaimed in a determined voice. "But... How do I nurse a human?" Girlfriend asked herself. She went to Cassandra for some advice. 

"Why don't you feed him something nutritious? Maybe something like charcoal or coal." Cassandra suggested.

"Those are nutritious for fire breathing dragons and demons. Not Boyfriend." Girlfriend corrected her. Girlfriend called Whitty.

"I know plenty of ways to make humans ill, but nothing about curing them." He said. 

Girlfriend called Carol.

"You need to feed him something easily digested, keep his head cool, and wipe his sweat for him." She said. 

"All day?" Girlfriend asked. She sighed, and looked in her fridge for something "easily digested." 

"I can digest just about anything, so I don't know how Boyfriend's digestive system differs from mine..." She muttered. Girlfriend looked up a recipe online, (did her best to) follow it, and served the "soup" up to Boyfriend. "Rice gruel! You need it to get better!" She said.

"She went out of her way to make it, so it would be rude to say it's a weird concoction or I can't eat it..." Boyfriend thought while staring into the bowl. Being the kind boyfriend that he was, he ate it all, doing his best to mask how much worse it tasted than it looked and smelled.

A bit later, Girlfriend checked on Boyfriend and noticed that he was sweating a lot. She got a towel.

"Would you like me to wipe it off?" She asked gently.

"Huh? Oh, sure." Boyfriend said. Girlfriend stared at Boyfriend's red face as she wiped his forehead.

"Boyfriend always comes off as a reliable person, so it's my first time seeing him so vulnerable..." She thought. "But... He'll be alright, I'm certain...."  She felt her heart begin to race. "I've never been around a sick human, so I wouldn't know..." Girlfriend clutched at her heart. "I don't want anything precious of mine to get broken... But, everything breaks eventually..." Girlfriend gently set the towel atop Boyfriend's forehead and started towards the door. "Not now. I won't allow it!"

Girlfriend opened a portal to her world, and sped through it. "I have to find something for his illness!" She thought, getting into her full demon form and searching the land. 

A Few Hours Later

Boyfriend yawned and got out of bed, feeling a lot more energized. 

"Who knew all I needed was a bit of rest?" He said, stretching. "I told you there was nothing to worry about--- Girlfriend?" He asked, finding out she was gone. He went into the living room and looked around for her, until she came through the front door, exhausted and a bit bruised. "Girlfriend? What happened?" He asked, pulling some loose strands of hair out of her face. 

"I searched everywhere, and..." Girlfriend pulled out three mushrooms. "I found some effective medicine." Boyfriend noticed how worried she was for him, which was normal for a demon who had never really seen what a cold could do to a guy. He took the mushrooms from her and ate them. Boyfriend put his hand on his chest. 

"These really do work." He said in a surprised tone. Girlfriend's eyes began to light up.

"You mean it?" She asked.

"Yeah! I feel amazing!" Boyfriend replied. Girlfriend's smile came back to her.

"Thank goodness! I was really worried, you know!" She said.

"The truth is, I don't know whether it's working or not. Honestly, I'd say it's working no matter what was in it after seeing that look." Boyfriend thought to himself. "Thanks, babe." He said. Girlfriend giggled in response.

Boyfriend's Demon GF (part 3 to Boyfriend's Demon Maid)Where stories live. Discover now