The Amusement Park

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"Boyfriend, isn't it your off day?" Girlfriend asked him one afternoon.

"Yeah." Boyfriend replied, not looking up from his Nintendo Switch. Girlfriend ran up to him and jumped in his lap. "Oof!" He grunted, switch flying out of his hand.

"How about we go somewhere?" Girlfriend asked. "You can't spend all of your off days at home." She said. 

"Really?" Boyfriend asked, moving strands of hair out of Girlfriend's face and stroking her cheek. "I thought we could just stay here and... hang." He said. Girlfriend scoffed in amusement and moved his hand away from her face.

"Your charm won't win me over this time, mister! We are going somewhere, says someone who does the laundry, cooks, and cleans!" She said.

"Aw..." Boyfriend whined. Girlfriend ruffled his hair and kissed him on the cheek.

"Don't be such a homebody! How about we go to the amusement park?" She suggested.

"But... People..." Boyfriend muttered in response.

"I'm starting to think you dislike them more than me." Girlfriend teased. "Haven't you ever been to one! I can show you what it's like once we're there. Humans are actually good at giving you a good time!" She said.

"A demon? Teaching me about the world I was in longer? No way!" Boyfriend thought after he heard her say this. "I don't think you've been." He said.

"No. I just see ads on TV." Girlfriend replied.

"Exactly. I'll take you to one since I know them so well!" Boyfriend declared.

"Okay!" Girlfriend replied. "He's cute when he's all competitive..." She thought, and laughed to herself. 

Once they were there, they had a lot of fun.

"Can I try to spin this thing?" Girlfriend asked him when they were on the teacup ride.

"Sure." Boyfriend said. Girlfriend spun the cup they were in, using demon strength, causing the ride to spin extremely fast. "Girlfriend!" Boyfriend exclaimed, holding onto both his hat and his seat. The couple went to a haunted house next. Girlfriend let Boyfriend cling onto her arm every time he felt uneasy. Suddenly, someone in a vampire costume jumped out of nowhere. Boyfriend flinched a bit, and Girlfriend got in front of him, fireballs forming at her hands. 

"Away with you, vile creature!" She exclaimed. The person in the vampire costume shrieked and ran away. 

"Girlfriend..." Boyfriend began. Girlfriend looked back at him.

"That was a human in a costume. They're paid to scare us." He said.

"Oh... Haha..." Girlfriend replied awkwardly. 

"How about I shield you from danger on our way out?" Boyfriend asked.

Girlfriend giggled. "Sure." She said. Boyfriend took her hand, and they left. The two of them got on a few more rides before getting something to eat. thirty minutes later, they got some ice cream. 

"I told you we'd have fun." Girlfriend said.

"Yeah, yeah." Boyfriend replied. He noticed some ice cream on Girlfriend's cheek. "Oh, you have some on your face." He said, wiping it off with his thumb. Girlfriend's face went red, and she noticed Boyfriend also had ice cream on his face. 

"You too." She said. She scooted closer to him and licked it off. Boyfriend was flustered as Girlfriend got out of his face and licked her lips. "Why this flavor?" She asked.

"D... Do you want to get on another ride?" He muttered, now looking down to hide his red face. He had no idea why he would get like this when Girlfriend did stuff like that. They were dating, after all.

"It's getting dark. How about the Ferris wheel?" She suggested. 

"Okay." Boyfriend agreed. They looked down on the night city lights when they were high up. 

"It's beautiful..." Girlfriend said. "I love when you have off days." She said. Boyfriend chuckled and put his hand on her cheek, gently making her face him.

"Me too. Outings with you are always fun." He said, and they leaned in for a kiss.

Boyfriend's Demon GF (part 3 to Boyfriend's Demon Maid)Where stories live. Discover now