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      My head hurt too much

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      My head hurt too much. My body hurt too much. It seemed that everything hurt too much. Slowly, my senses started to send reports back to his brain. I kept my eyes closed, not because I didn't want to see where I was, but I thought it would hurt too much to open them. Loki betrayed me.

       Yes, I only knew him for four days, but I thought maybe we had a connection. He was so kind to me even though I was Jotun. I gave him a chance and he gave me one, seems I should have stayed away. He said it was for Asgard, but what about me.

        I took a deep breath. It hurt my ribcage. I exhaled, inhaled again. My head swam, as I opened my eyes. I was in a cave, not my cave, a huge cave. I was on an ice slab, chained to the wall by my neck.

"Nimue." His deep and unpleasant voice echoed against the dense ice walls. Laufey walked in from the doorway. "Nice to finally meet the young Frost Giant everyone has been talking about."

"I can't say the same about you." I seethed. "How about you take these chains off and we can have a nice chat."

"And what would this chat be about? My claim on you?" I cringed.

"That would be one, yes." He chuckled.

"Then we have nothing to talk about. Loki gave you to me, and even if he didn't you would still be mine." He grinned.

"I am not properly you can claim, Laufey." I growled.

"No, your a vessel to be beaten and breed. You will gift me powerful offspring." He then walked back out.

       Time passed as I sat there, missing the uncomfortable warmth of Asgard. The books Loki would send me, the delicious meal we sort of ate together. The luscious garden that Frigga tended to, the smell of those flowers.

         Laufey walked back in with a bowel of djrnd, a fancy name for mashed makluk, almost like a porridge consistency. He walked over to me and placed the bowl next to me.

"Eat, you need your strength." He says before walking to his chair.

        I picked up the bowl and threw it at him. He looked up and glared at me.

"I will not follow your orders. You are not my King or anything for that matter. You are a nobody to me."

      He snickered as he stood up and walked back over to me. He grabbed the chain and pulled me up like he was picking up a mouses tail.

"You will do as I say or you will be punished. I am not afraid to beat you into submission. And with these locks on your powers, Loki so kindly added, I am sure you are to weak to stop me." He then let go of the chains, dropping my back onto the ice block. He picks up the bowl and walk back out, then comes back with a new bowl of food. "Eat it." He pushed the bowl into my abdomen.

"See. How can you hope to have offspring if I am to weak." I dropped the bowl to the ground. "Beat me, I'll starve. I'll be to weak to give you anything." I smile.

        He grabbed the chain and uses it like a whip and throws me into the wall. I know it wasn't his full strength but it still hurt. I stood back up, as soon as I did he had his hand around the top of my head, slowly squeezing.

"I could strap you down and force food into your mouth if I wanted. I could hit you so hard in the head you become to disoriented to function. I could make your body limp and have my way with you." He squeezed tighter. "But that won't be fun. I want to hear your screams as I make you mine. I want all of Jotunheim to know who has claimed you, breed you." He let's go of my head. "I will break you."

"You can try. But I will never truly be yours, no matter what you do." I growl.

"So be it." He hits me on the head, hard. Making my pass out.

         I woke up with a stinging pain in my wrists and ankles. Of course I pushed Laufey, he was being a savage. I am not going out without a fight, I think I got that from my Jotun side.

        I move my arms around to find I am trapped to the slab, not by my neck, but by my wrists and ankles. I move around, chains are just loose enough for me to rest up on my elbows.

"Good, you're awake." Laufey is siting in his chair, fiddling with his ice manipulation. "Time to eat." He grabbed a bowl from the table then walked over.

"I told you I wouldn't." I say as he kneels over me, straddling me below him.

"I don't remember giving you a choice." He takes a hand full of food and shoves it in my mouth, keeping his hand on top so I can't spit it out. "Eat." He commanded. I shake my head 'no'. He uses his other hand to pinch my nose so I can't breath. "Eat!" I start to choke from my lack of air and the food that is slowly sliding down my throat but not by command. "Eat it wench!" I started to choke more, my eye lids heavy from the lack of air. "Damn it." He uncovers my mouth and nose. I spit out the food.

"As... I said...... I won't follow..... your commands." I cough as I gather my breath.

"I see." His weight on my body not helping the suffocating feeling I have. "Well we will just have to figure something else out, won't we?" He leaned closer to me, his large girth pressing against my stomach. "Maybe I can make you eat later. After I know you are mine." My eyes try and widen but I keep my face emotionless. Don't show fear...

"I still won't eat. Your efforts will be wasted."

"We will see." He grips my neck tightly as he starts ripping off my already torn dress. "Such a lovely dress, a shame to waste it." I start thrashing around.

        The chains suddenly pull my arms up and my legs out. He moves his body down mine as he sends the ripping fabric all the way to the bottom of the dress, exposing me. I start to hyperventilate as he grips my underwear. This can't be happening....

        Suddenly before Laufey could pull my last defense down my legs the wall breaks open, Loki.

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