My Sons

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          Loki and I talked about possibly creating a castle and homes of ice

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Loki and I talked about possibly creating a castle and homes of ice. Helping future Jotuns be more like us and not primitive like the ones currently. We already has plans to clear and flatten the ground to start building.

        After Loki fully claimed his throne, threatening any Jotun who defy him. We went back to Asgard, the Bifrost still not on my side when it comes to the sickness.

"Welcome back King Loki, Lady Nimue." Heimdal says. "Congratulations are in order."

"Yes." Loki says proudly while holding my hand.

Loki and I are still in our Jotun forms. I think Loki is starting to feel comfortable and proud in his natural form, now that he is their King. I know he has always wanted a throne, even in our rare sighting of each other, we strongly opened up ourselves and told each other everything, any chance we got.

"The Allfather is waiting for you." Loki tensed. "Do not worry Loki, he has glad tidings for you." Loki nods.

"Thank you Heimdal." I said. "We shall go visit him." I squeezed Loki's hand and smiled up at him. Causing him to physically relax and smile back. "Let's go." I said quietly to him.

"You both are a good pair." Heimdal said. Loki rolled his eyes.

"You sound like Thor." Loki chuckled as we walked out of the golden dome.

I was met my a midnight black horse with golden eyes and eight legs.

"This is Sleipnir, my greatest companion." He stroked the horses neck.

"He's beautiful. I have never been this close to a horse before. Last time I saw one was when I first came here." I looked at Loki. "You guys rode back to the castle, leaving me to walk back." Loki chuckled.

"I am sorry about that, darling." My heart fluttered at the name. "Shall we get going. We wouldn't want to make Odin mad."

"He's always mad." I scoff. "But I guess we should." Loki smiled.

He pulled me to the side of Sleipnir and then used my hips to hoist me up. I looked down at my tattered clothes that were still ripped.

"I can't see Odin like this!" I say embarrassed.

Loki laughed as he climbed on the horse. He waved his hands over my body and a new dress appeared on myself. A emerald green dress with a silver half bust and wrist clamps. The magic shield bracelet were taken off after the battle, along with the chains. I elbowed Loki in the abdomen.

"You could change my clothes this whole time and you chose now? Not when all those Frost Giants were looking at me!" Loki chuckled.

"I liked seeing you squirm uncomfortably." I glared at him. "It was cute." He shrugged.

"Not for me." I crossed my arm.

"I'm sorry darling. Don't hate me." He rested his chin in the crook of my neck.

"Ugh. You know I can't. I can never win with you." I pout. Loki chuckles and starts to lead the horse to the castle. "What do you think Odin wants?"

"I have no idea. Knowing him it's nothing good."

"Well, at least we will be prepared." I chuckled.

We rode to the palace in silence as I cuddled against Loki. His arms around me as he held on to the reins of the horse.

When we arrived to the stables we left Sleipnir and headed inside the palace. When we entered the throne room Odin was on his throne. Frigga was standing to his right and Thor was at the bottom of the steps, waiting for us.

"Loki." Odin spoke as we stood next to Thor. Loki squeezed my hand. "I am proud of you my son." Loki and my eyes widen. "You have proven yourself to be worthy. During my sleep not only did you stop the war your brother caused." Odin glared at Thor. "But you also stood up to your duty and ensured everlasting peace between Jotunheim and the realms."

Loki and I were shocked to say the least. We expect Odin to be angry or mad about something, anything. Yet here we are, after a battle, Loki is finally getting praised for what he is done. He is finally worthy in Odins eyes.

"I think from Thor's experience on Midgard he is now ready to be King. You two will rule side by side. Learn from each other, help each other. I know Thor will need your brains Loki, and Loki will need your brawn Thor." Thor nods. "I am proud my sons." Odin smirked. "I love you both." Loki stood there stiff and unmoving.

"Do you think he is ok?" I whispered to Loki to break him from the trance Odin put him in. Loki blinked and looked at me. "Are you ok?"

"Yes." Loki grabbed me and kissed me. "I am perfect." Odin coughed. Loki went back to standing straight but with a wide grin.

"In a months time Thor will be crowned, and you will be shown as my son." He looked at Loki. "You will be Loki Odinson, King of Jotunheim. Frost Giant, my son."

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