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        It has been a couple days of me going from the garden to my room without Loki

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It has been a couple days of me going from the garden to my room without Loki. He has been to busy with the Jotunheim situation to visit me, at all. At this point I have remembered the path between the garden and back since it is a common used path for me.

I was bored reading in my room, Loki started to send books to me, so I come out to the garden to read most of the time. I brought the book just in case I got bored with walking around. Roses (I had a little lesson from my maid on what each flower and color is called) filled the walkway as I headed for the sitting area Loki and I spent our first meal at.

       The grass was wet from morning dew so I created a small circular rock to sit on as I read. I started to read, getting lost in the words as the sun moved through the sky.

"Lady Nimue?" A guard appeared behind me. I looked back at him. "The King has requested your presence." I smiled and stood up.

"Loki asked for me?" The guard nodded. "I will head there now." I left the guard in my wake as I went to meet Loki. Maybe he finally solved the Jotunheim problem...

       As I got to the throne room doors they automatically opened without me needing to knock. I walked in to see Loki sitting on the throne, he doesn't stand up or greet me. I start to slow down, getting nervous. I reach the bottom of the steps, Loki has a scowl on his face.

"My King." I kneeled on one knee and crossed my arm over my chest.

"I have found a way to end the war with Jotunheim." Loki says like a King, emotionless and stern. "In exchange for peace... Laufey wants you." He head rises to Loki.

"What?" I stand up. "What did you say? You wouldn't agree, right?" Loki keeps his emotionless face. "Loki?"

"As King, it is my duty to ensure the safety of my people." He stands up and towers over me. "We will leave for Jotunheim at once." He walks down the stairs.

"Loki you can't do this! You will know what they will do to me!" I cried.

"That have already attacked my brother." Two guards grabbed me. "This will ensure my people and my brother's safety." He said in an apologetic way. Loki then grabbed my wrists and locked on cuffs. My illusion then went away and I felt my magic disappear.

"What did you do?"

"What I had to." He then nodded to the guards and they started to follow Loki out of the thrown room.

"Loki please. We can find another way." I begged him but he just ignored me. "Did you ever care for me?" He lowered his head.

"No." His words hit my heart. "You were just mere entertainment." Why did that hurt so much? I can't even trust Loki, my friend...

"Of course. I'm just the monster parents tell there children at night." I then press my hands to the guards faces. They let go, yelling and holding there burned skin.

"Nimue. Don't make this harder." Loki said. "Please." I chuckled.

"You wanted entertainment, so be it." I slapped him with my open hand across the face. It rocked him and he took a step back and then steadied himself, blinking his eyes and staring at me.

      His face turned stern but I could still see the guilt etched into his features as the guards approached me. I haven't had much training in combat since I had my powers. But I won't go out with a fight. The guards split into layers of circles around me as they walked closer.

       As a guard ran to me I slipped to the left, which threw him off enough so that I could step inside and grab his neck. I pulled his head forward and sent my knee into his abdomen, him screaming through his burning flesh. I grabbed another guard by his shoulders, I got my knee into his crotch, he crouched down as another guard came up.

         I hit him in his solar plexus where the sternum ends. It paralyzed his diaphragm and he gasped and doubled over. Another guard with a friend. I slapped my right fist down on the guards face, shattering his nose. The other I smashed an elbow into the side of a guards skull, the soft spot high on the temple.

    I knocked 8 of them out—what's wrong with that—nothing except there were 11. A fresh pain sear across my thigh. Guards now had there swords, one jammed his knee into my stomach, sending shock waves of dull nauseating pain deep into my abdomen. Jotuns weren't the only ones with super strength.

     Pain was just an illusory sensation that my mind could shut down if it needed to. I can absorb the trauma, swallowing the pain. I am not weak, magic isn't everything. I kept fighting as I dodged the swinging swords from the guards. I couldn't spot Loki, I was busy fighting his men. Searing pain in his right shoulder

     Ignoring the pain in my thigh, the blood seeping from the cut in my left arm. I tried to move as quickly as possible, grunting as I shifted. A guard stormed towards me, I drove my good shoulder into his chest, slamming him into another guard that was right on his heels.

"ENOUGH!" Loki yelled. The guards backed away. I looked to Loki who's eyes were filled with unshed tears. "Nimue." He walked towards me. "You have to realize this is what I must do." He placed his hand on my cheek, his hand slowly turning blue.

"Loki. I can help you find another way. I can't go back, please don't send me back." He smiled sadly.

"For Asgard." Another tear left his eyes before a green glow came from his hand and everything went black.

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