Cleaning an Assembly Room with Sun-Shine, Pretty Boy, No Emotion-Guy & Yui

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Hey guys its Leah... So I have a new person that will be helping me write this story on quotev (this story is on there and also Credits to Sara, my co writer ^.^

*Amunet's POV*

"So lets um.....Get started.... Apollon, Baldr and Tsukito how about you guys open the curtains and mop the floor....Yui and I can set up tables and chairs I guess." I hesitantly said, sounding enthusiatic for the first time in my life.

"Ok!" They said in unison. I just shrugged and got to work.

*Timeskip of 20 Minutes*

Getting ready for this 'entrance ceremony' isn't that bad if I was going to be really honest. It is actually quite fun if i was to ignore Tsukito's constant note taking, Baldr's constant falling and Apollon's annoying personality. I can't really say much though, I wasn't exactly setting a good example with my lack of enthusiasm and constant complaining. So to be fair, the only normal one in this place is Yui, all the other's are just a bunch of weridos. (Except for Anubis, he's soo cute that he gets away with it and maybe Thoth because well....uhh...*Blushes*...he's uhh cute too...and I might have a itsy bisy crush on him? Not that i'm implying anything, don't start getting ideas. *Crawls into a sarcophagus so she dosen't have to face the world again*)

*Long Timeskip*

Within 3 hours we got the place in shape and even decorated the stage and hall with some of me and Yui's experties because those guys need some serious help when it comes to style. Overall, I think we did a pretty damn good job if you ask me.

"Finally!" Yui said panting and sitting down.

"That leaves 2 hours....What should we do? Get the others I suppose?"


For the next three hours we gathered up the gods. Loki and Thor didn't come....neither did Takeru and whenever I walked up to Hades to ask him he just backed away and said 'Do not come any closer or I will bring you misfortune'. Well wasn't he nice. Anyway, the only person we managed to convice to come was only Dionysus, Greek God of Fertility and Merrymaking.

We all finally got back just in time for the ceremony. Thoth stood on stage with Zeus next to him.

"Yui Kusanagi."


He went on and on and on. I sat there wishing he would shut up.

"And lastly Amunet."

"Here." I replied, uninterested becuase I really did not want to be here.

"Any final words?"

Apollon stood up and gave some speech that we would do our best as students.

"Then this Assembly is dismissed." Thoth walked over to me.

"Ms. Amunet it seemed you didn't care much for this assembly."

"No, not really into meetings." He wall slammed me. Bloody Gods. They think that just because they're around humans they can do whatever the hell they want. 'Oh don't mind me I'm just going to wall slam you and invade your personal space.' What a gentlemen.

"Maybe you want to come read in the Library and help me with cleaning up?" I sighed.

"Sure, can't wait." We walked in silence until we got to the library. An awkward kind of silence.



"Put away those books over there." He pointed to a huge pile of books. Well this is going to be a long night.

"Oh and Amunet."

"Yes Thoth?"

"Thank you." Did a god just thank me?! Well damn, I must be doing well.

"No are a god of course." Dang it Internal-self. Why do you have go and say something stupid when a god just thanked you. I sighed and saw Anubis over by the pile of books. He looked just sooo cute! I started putting away the books, taking sneaky glances at Anubis every now and again.

Hope you enjoyed this chappie after my long absence!! :)
-Leah-chan ^.^

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