~Arrival and introductions~

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Disclaimer: I do not own Kamigami no asobi, only my OC and the plot.

*Amunet's POV*

So...I was beginning to walk around this...umm place until i saw a blonde-haired guy being surrounded by birds. What an animal charmer, I thought. Anyway he wasn't really my type of guy. From appearance anyways....First he looks like one of those pretty boys. Second the long hair really wasn't my thing...At least on boys and me being an Egyptian all the boys were bald and had some sort of wig on. Of course this was only the rich people, others could'nt really afford them. Third he's a bit too pale for my liking. (A/N: Please, people that are a light skin tone don't take this to heart, I'm light too. And I'm not saying Egyptians are dark, it's beacuse in the anime and otome game Thoth and Anubis have a dark skin tone and they're Egyptian so it only makes sense to do Amunet this way.) I know I shouldn't judge people based on appearance but yeah. Anyway I headed toward the pathway, hoping he didn't spot me and try to befriend me. 

I cautiously walked down the path, keeping my eyes peeled incase another weirdo shows up. That was until I saw dog-like ears sticking out from the bushes.

''Umm....hello? Is anyone... there?'' I managed to spill out.

''Kabara...kabalah?'' The figure asked as it slowly came out from behind the bushes.

''S-Sorry to disturb you but do you know where I am?'' I stuttered.

''Kabara bara.'' The figure said as he grabbed my hand and led me to a libary.

''Wow, so many books!'' I exclaimed as I looked around in awe.

But that moment was ruined when suddenly a tall white-haired man had me up against the wall with his arms trapping me. The nerve! I tried to escape but he was too strong. He glared at me as our eyes locked and it sent a shiver down my spine when his deep-blue eyes looked coldly at my amethyst-purple eyes. It looked like he was about to kill me.

''Are you the girl that Zeus was talking about?'' He asked in a deep, proud voice.

''I-I guess so'' I uttered, trying not to sound intimidated.

''What is your name,human?'' He asked still giving me cold glares.

''My name is Amunet, sir''  I said with obvious sarcasm while achieving another glare from him.

''Well Miss Amunet......'' He smirked while achieving sarcasm with a glare from me.

''......my name is Thoth but you may call me Master Thoth and this little troublemaker is Anubis.''

''Wait...as in Thoth the Egyptian God of Knowledge and Wisdom and Anubis the Egyptian God of Embalming and the Dead! From Egyptian mythology?!'' I blurted out with amazement.

''Yes, precisely. Your pretty smart, human girl.''

''Well, it would be pretty stupid for an Egyptian to not know their own country's mythology.'' I stated it, like it was obivous.

''So your Egyptian eh?'' He smirked again.

''Of course I am, and pretty proud of it too.'' I stated with pride.

''Well then that's one thing we have in common.'' He said with total sarcasm which really ticked me off.

''Anyway, follow me up to Zeus' throne room and he'll tell you all you need to know.''

''Umm...okay?'' I replied whilst hesitantly following Thoth(I'm not saying Master Thoth because I feel he hasn't earnt my complete respect yet).

It was quite hard it keep up with him, how can people *cough* I mean gods walk so fast. I know he's a god but still! Anyway we eventually found ourselves in front of a giant door way. And when I say giant I mean giant. 

''Zeus, the girl is here.'' Thoth said in his usual deep voice. And Thoth would you pleasestop calling me 'human' or 'girl' it's really starting to piss me off.

''You may come in.'' An even deeper voice said.

Thoth gave a signal for me to come over and likewise I did. He pushed the giant doors open with no effort at all which is quite typical for a god, and walked in. I followed. We found ourselves in a massive room with tons of space, It really was jaw-dropping.

''Welcome to my academy, Lady Amunet. My name is Zeus and I am the Greek God of the Sky and Lightning.'' The old man said. And i must say I really could get used to being called Lady Amunet, it has a nice ring to it.

''It's a pleasure.'' I tried to say with a smile

''Now, I know you may have lots of questions to ask about why you are here but-

''Oh yeah, now that you mention it why am I here.'' I cut him off which led me to thinking that he really must really want to give me a mental slap right now.

''You are here to teach the gods about the human heart along with another human, Kusanagi Yui. You've already met (saw in Baldr's case) three of them. Thoth, Anubis and Baldr. Of course Thoth will be your instructor be he still needs to learn a thing or two about the human heart.''

''Wait, by 'Baldr do you mean blondie?'' I asked.

''Umm..yes.'' Zeus said with a slight look of concern.

''And I'm quite surpised that you took this situation on so calmy. Any normal human would say ''Gods, are you insane?!'' And run off to get a one-way ticket out of here.''

''Well, I can be quite sensible when i want to be.'' I stated calmly despite the looks of concern off Thoth and Zeus.

''Okay, anyway meet me at the grand room with the long staircase in about an hour so you can meet the other gods.''

''Wait, there are more?!'' I said In complete and utter disgust.

''Yes besides Egyptians gods, there are also Norse gods, Greek gods and Japanese gods.'' Zeus replied.

''Yay!'' I said half-heartedly

''Anyway until that time Thoth will show you to your room. Goodbye now!'' The old man sad as he waved goodbye.''

''Bye.'' I said as me and Thoth left the room.

''Gods of Egypt, what's going to happen to me now?! I cursed under my breath with not-so approving looks coming from Thoth.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in sooo long!! And cuz of that it's an extra long chapter just for you!! I kinda got lost in all my homework and halloween, bonfire night and the carnival have been going on recently which I have been pretty busy. Oh yeah and I am going to change the summary/plot of this story cuz it really does not go this chapter, plus I'm also going to change the title. I'm gonna try to update again asap, but I can't promise or gurantee anything!! Well arigato for reading and I hope to hear from ya soon. ;))) Have a nice day now :))


P.S: This update is deticated to @angyelovesbooks because they voted and begged me to update. Thankyou and I hope you enjoyed it!! :)))

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