HxH characters as candy

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Killua: Chocolate. Obviously 🙄.
Illumi: Pop rocks. He is basically a killer rock. He has like zero emotions but he can be scary at times.
Gon: Haribo frogs. Must I explain myself?
Hisoka: Hot Tamales. I don't even know where that came from, but it's Hisoka. I don't think Hisoka would be a sweet candy.
Kurapika: Trolli Glotzer. The red ones especially, cause you know the whole scarlet eyes thing.
Leorio:Endangered species dark chocolate bites. I image Leorio being a candy that not everyone likes but there's that one person that will eat an entire bag with no remorse. It's also one of the healthiest candies and Leorio is a doctor so it fits.
Bisky: Warheads.
Bisky packs a punch. She's also kind of sweet at times and if you've ever gotten to the center of a warhead, you know it's sweet.
(A/n: hehe 😅 I wanted to do something to celebrate all the reads we have on the book, and just for the fun of it. I can do more stuff like this if you want (: you just need to tell me! Anyways REMEMBER TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES. EAT A TOMATO OR SOMETHING NUTRITIOUS. GET LOTS OF SLEEP CAUSE IF YOU DONT YOUR BRAIN WILL START TO EAT ITS SELF. ITS TRUE. LOOK IT UP. ALSO DRINK LOTS OF WATER. HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE. ~Author)

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