You and your husband/wife meet you and your ex, part one

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Libra: You and Gon meet You and Killua
It was a normal day for you and Gon. You get food, talk, and then go do Hunter stuff. Today you where exploring an ancient ruin with him. When you two arrive you walk in and start to explore. Gon calls you over because he finds a mirror. When you arrive you take out a cloth and wipe away the dirt on the mirror. When you do there's a blinding flash so you have to close your eyes. When you open them, you see Killua and a younger you standing there. Killua looks around (k-Killua y- older you YY- younger you g-Gon)
K-The heck is going on here?!?!?
YY-I don't know!!!
Y- *whispering* hey Gon?
G- *whispering* ya?
Y- um I think the mirror did that
G- seems like it
K- Oh it's Gon and... You?
YY- Oh hehe it is. Weird. So what's going on here?
Y- um well I wiped the mirror and boom light and now your here.
YY- well where's Killua? Why are you with Gon?
*you and Gon look at each other*
Y- ummm Killuas... sick
G- Yup! Sick but Um he's... getting better!
YY- oh ok, well Killua and I should be getting back.
Y- ok! I think we just rub the mirror again-
*you rub the mirror and a portal appears*
YY-well it was nice meeting you future me and future Gon! Bye!
*younger you walks through the portal*
*Killua walks to the portal but turns back*
K- stop trying to steal my girl
*he walks through and the portal disappears*
You look at Gon. "Do you think we should have told them?" "... no let them figure it out" Gon replies and you both keep exploring. *you muttering* I still can't believe he chose chocolate over me.

Gemini: you and Chrollo meet you and Kurapika
You and Chrollo are currently stealing a persons nen ability that lets you travel back in time. You get it but you don't know how to use it. You both decide to test it out and accidentally send yourself farther back in time then you meant to. You look around only to see a younger you and Kurapika standing there shocked. (K- Kurapika Y- older you YY- younger you C- Chrollo)
Y- huh? Oh um hi
YY- hi?
*insert Kurapika and Chrollo giving each other hostile glares*
Y- sooooooooooooooo
K- Y/n why are you with Chrollo?
Y- I was kidnapped
C- yup which reminds me I need to get you to the hideout
He grabs your hand and you both go back to the future.

Pisces: you and Hisoka meet you and Illumi
Hisoka grabbed you and dragged you through the portal Chrollo and Gemini made, except it brought you to the Mansion. He drags you around until you accidentally crash a "date" or whatever Kikyo calls it. (H-Hisoka
Y- Older you YY- Younger you I-illumi )
H- Oh are we interrupting something~
Y- no. I remember this. It was awful.
YY- it is.
I- i agree
H- ok~ so this it what you had to deal with?~
Y- yes. Yes it is.
YY- torture.
Y- Torture.
Then Chrollo and Gemini goes back so you get dragged to. You arrive back at the base and look at each other. "Torture" "Torture~"

Leo: You and Killua meet you and Bisky
You and Killua are walking when you bump into someone next thing you know younger you and Bisky are standing in front of you and Killua. (B-Bisky Y-You YY-younger you
B-Y/n? Why are you with Killua?
Y- he was being an idiot so I decided to watch him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.
B-ohhhhhhhh that makes sense. Which makes me remember I need to do this-
*she walks over and punches Killua to the sun*
YY- ummmmmmmm ok?
Y-... noice
B- 😌
The world zaps for a second and you and Killua are back in your time.
Y- How do you feel
K- like I got punched by Bisky

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