Whos your ex, and why did you break up?

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Libra: Killua
You stole his chocolate. That was a fun argument 😬.
Gemini: Kurapika
He found out you were a part of the phantom troupe. 😓
Leo: Bisky
You found out about the magazines she reads.
Cancer: Leorio
He kept checking out other girls when you kept asking him not to.
Virgo: Chrollo
You found out that he was only in the relationship because he wanted your nen ability.
Taurus: Gon
He wanted to be a hunter and you didn't (at the time) and you didn't want to have a long distance relationship. Your still friends though.
Aquarius: Hisoka
You saw how Hisoka kept getting whenever Gon was around.
Pisces: Illumi
You never wanted to be in the relationship Kikyo forced you both. She said if your not happy in one year after you started dating you could break up. You two partied it up like it was New Years.
Aries: Feitan
He became very possessive and wouldn't let you talk to anyone so you left him.
Capricorn: Kite
He ran off doing his Hunter stuff and whenever you asked to hang out or do something he said no. You found someone better.
Sagittarius: Menchi
You said being a Gourmet Hunter was stupid. 😬 hehehe. That was... interesting. You definitely Didn't get punched 9 times. Nope. Certainly not.
Scorpio: Melody
You called her bald (how could you).
(A/n: I just want to say Thanks to Asumiyushido for the idea/request!!!!!!
I hope it came out ok you all enjoyed it! I won't be able to post for a bit. probably 4-5 days, so I'll get a few more chapters posted. And as always, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES YOU MAGICAL HUMAN BEINGS. THERE ARE THREE THINGS THAT ARE CRUCIAL TO YOUR SURVIVAL. SLEEP. WATER. FOOD. SO EAT AND SLEEP AND DRINK WATER. UNDERSTOOD? OK, GOOD. ~Author)

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