You and your husband/wife met you and your ex part 4

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Aquarius: you and Illumi meet you and Hisoka
You and Illumi where walking around the gardens in the mansion when Silva called you both for an experiment. He told you to walk through a wall so you both shrugged an did. The world collapsed for you for a second but when it inflated again you saw Hisoka in front of you. You look to his right and see a younger version of you.
(YY- younger you y- you h-Hisoka I-Illumi)
Y- *looking at Hisoka* no. Nope. Not gonna happen I'm leaving goodbye.
*you walk back through the wall*
I- sorry about them. I should be going to.
H- ok..?~
(A/n: you don't like Hisoka. I also imagine your younger self to be bubbly sooooo deal with it. Happy reading!)

Aries: you and Bisky meet you and Feitan
Bisky was training with you out in the desert and you suddenly collapsed from heat exhaustion and regular exhaustion. When you wake up you see Feitan and your younger self looking at you oddly. Bisky is standing next to you glaring at him.
(B-Bisky f-Feitan YY- younger you y-you)
B- I don't like you. You seem weird.
F- I.. don't.. care..
Y- oof-
YY- hahahahaha
Y- hehehehe
Y- so I know you *points at feitan* but who are you?
YY-I'm y/n
Y- I'm y/n!!! You must be a younger m-
You both look over and see Bisky and Feitan fighting
Y- crap
YY- I'll get Feitan
Y- I'll get bisky
You drag the two apart but feel and cold wet sensation on you face.
You wake up and see Bisky poured water on your face.
Y- what was that for?!?
Y- ok ok

Capricorn: you and Melody meet you and kite
You and Melody were having tea and biscuits when a rock smashed through your house.
You get knocked unconscious and when you wake up you see Kite in front of you.
(Y-you YY- younger you k-kite m-Melody)
K- hello y/n
Y-...hi no date guy
Y- does he ever take you on dates, even when you ask?
Y- mhm exactly
M- calm down y/n
Y: I am calm
K- your not :/
Y-shut up. Your annoying.
YY- don't be mean to kite!
Y- I do what I want, when I want, and how I want.
Y- yup
Fireworks and your alive again but this time in a hospital. You look at Melody.
Y- the tea 😞
(A/n: ok I am going to finish the other two soon and then the book will end. I hope you've enjoyed reading this so far (: thank you to all who voted and commented on the book (: I appreciate it! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES!!! Also, why are people out here shipping Killua with his siblings? That's incest people ~Author)

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