Chapter 3

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LXC: Your lover is dead...

LWJ: *sulking at the side* I hate you.. You went to the siege.......and I don't believe that.

LXC: *sigh* rEaLLy, I'm not paid enOuGH for thIS.

LWJ: *inquiry* I love you, Wei Ying.

WWX: ...

LWJ: *finally found a spirit he can talk* Do you know where Wei Ying is?

Spirit: uHh, are you his boyfriend or something? But no, I don't know.

LWJ: ...oh.

Spirit: *hesitates* but I have a rEqUesT though..

LWJ: *blinks* mmkay...

Spirit: Look for his son, 'kay?

LWJ: ...and make him my son. *determined nod*

Spirit: wAiT wHAT?

LWJ: You are Wei Ying's son, that means you are my son. *kissed his forehead*

Spirit: o_O

Shit! That fall really took half of my lifetime...! And I am even dead at this point!

Wei Wuxian felt that his fall is coming to an end.

That fall really kick me into my afterlife! Tough luck! I am even dead, you know?

Fuck, what is happening?? Why can't I move my body??? Shitty-deity!! Where are you???? What is happening?? Is this really the afterlife??? Shouldn't I burn or something???!!??

Wei Wuxian opened his eyes and saw a big face looming over him. He can't help but let out a scream. It was too big!! What is this? A giant??? What world did I travel into?? He does not know why but he feels like wherever he was right now, he is feeling very emotional.

He is being passed. He notices a very familiar face. How can he not? It looks like the face he always saw in front of a mirror yet not. He knew his face very well, thank you very much. His face looks a little soft but the looks of masculinity stand out. This-This face doesn't hold any soft features anywhere! In fact, it was really too handsome, especially when the man smiles at him! He can't help but feel as if he was safe in the hands of this man.

The man spoke and said, "Cangse. Hold our baby."

Wei Wuxian's mind froze.

Cangse..? A-Niang..?

When he was passed into the arms of his mother, he can't help but cry loudly. This was his parents! This is his parents! This is Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren!

When he took another look at his mother, he thought, Ah, this is where I got my soft features.

He wants to call them. He wants to be by their arms forever but he can't do it. He is so frustrated that he increased the volume of his crying.

After a moment, he became tired. He let out a yawn and let himself fall asleep.

The next time Wei Wuxian woke up, the Stygian Tiger deity spoke to him through their mental connection. He let out a started yelp, for he was surprised by the voice.

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