Chapter 7 - Part I

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CSSR: Yk...I know your dirty little secret~

NMJ: *gasp*

NYY: *mouth open, a fly enters*

CSSR: Mother- I mean, Master...I wanna learn this!

BSSR: You sure?

CSSR: Yes, pretty please~ *pout; puppy eyes*

BSSR: okay okay *looking away*

Wei Couple: 5 days later...We're done~

CSSR: *restrained by her husband* pay-up! pay-up!

Wei Couple: Here! The manual instruction!

Nie Cultivators: ( °Д °;)

NMJ: We're going to my brother's room.

WY: *nods with sparkly eyes looking up at NMJ*

NMJ: Go, play with each other.

Also NMJ: *Quietly leaves*

NHS: *hugs WY*

WY: ...what happened?

NHS: I don't know! I don't know! I really don't know!

WY: *in small voice at the back of his head* Is this some kind of foreshadowing...?

Also WY: Shitty-deity, answer me!

ST deity: No <3

Wei Fam and NHS: SHOPPING!

Wei Fam to Nie Fam: byebye...

BSSR: well, well, well~


BSSR: I'm ur grandmama~

WY: bitch, ain't I a lucky one?

BSSR: Cangse~ won't you visit~? *smiling dangerously*

CSSR: I will! I will! Hehehe~ *sweatdrops*

BSSR: Babu~

WY: Stay!

BSSR: Nuh-uh~ But, here, a silver moon necklace!

WY: I have a sister.

ST deity: I can see that.

WY: I have a blood-related sister.

ST deity: Definitely.

WY: Why didn't I knew about this?!!! *lashes out*

ST deity: Whoa, chill...

WCZ: Let's go to Yunmeng, yeah?

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