Chapter 5

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CSSR: ...wait. Can he understand us?

WCZ: ...He's 2-week-old, Cangse

WWX: *looks between his mother and father*

WCZ and CSSR: *gasp* sUs

WQ: Can I hold your baby, Ma'am?

CSSR: Oh, sure! Here, careful!

WQ: Can I keep him?

WCZ: *pained smile*

WQ: *swoosh* bYE...!

WWX: *trying his fire power*


Still CSSR: Why would you put Donkey nEAr the fiRE?

WCZ: *awkward smile*

Lan Cultivator: I am inviting you to our Cloud Recesses as I thank for saving us. :)

CSSR: Ren-Ren~ *evil smile*

WCZ: *sweat dropped* ...goodluck, Lan Qiren.

WWX: *sparkled eyes*

LQR: my BeArD!!!

LWJ: *gasp* gimme dat!

LQR: What, A-Zhan?

LWJ: *points at WWX* das mine, Shufu.

LQR: *spits blood*

I've found my self a spouse, Shufu.

Ever since Wei Ying wakes up, Lan Zhan has pasted himself near him. The adults had to wonder, I feel like we're third-wheeling these two...

Wei Ying has these sparkled eyes the moment he laid eyes on Lan Zhan. By the time he was being let down, he wriggled and crawled over to Lan Zhan. Both of them have the sight of wonder in their eyes.

"What a cute, Lan Zhan!!! Shitty-deity! Look at those squishy cheeks!" Wei Ying told the Stygian Tiger deity.

Stygian Tiger deity smiled with the same sparkled eyes as Wei Ying. "Yes, yes! Oh my god, you two look so cute! Look at your baby Lan Zhan, he's practically hugging you!"

"What do you mean 'your'? And now that you said it, this Lan Zhan really is touchy! I clearly remember our first meeting is not like this! We were fighting with our swords when we first met, not with who hugs tighter!" Wei Ying babbled.

"'An 'an! 'An 'an!" Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan!

Lan Zhan's eyes never left Wei Ying. It is as if something is drawing him to the baby. He distinctly remembers what his Shufu said about their forehead ribbons.

"A-Zhan, this forehead ribbon is to be touched only by your special person. If they do not qualify as your very special person, you shouldn't let them touch it. Okay?" His Shufu explained.

Lan Zhan being as obedient as ever nodded his head, determined. "Yes, Shufu."

Lan Zhan took off his forehead ribbon and tied it on Wei Ying's forehead. It is a little crooked but still presentable.

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