Chapter 4

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WWX: That hurt... I'm in the afterlife!!

Deity: ...maybe not.

WWX: my parents??? Aren't they dead??

Also WWX: oh. Of course, they are dead. I'm also dead....why am I in baby form though???

Deity: *mumbling* I want you to continue a legacy.

WWX: What was that?

Deity: nothing :]

WWX: sUs

WWX: *internally panicking* oHMYGoD! I am gonna suck at my mother's nipples...OHGOD!!...Come ON! Wei YING! yOu cAN dO tHiS!!!

WCZ: We're at Dafan Mountain! Surprise!!!

WWX: oh... we're at Dafan Mountain...wait. WE'RE AT DAFAN MOUNTAIN????!!

Deity: Let's start your lesson! Come, come!

WWX: Oh, good! What am I gonna learn?

Deity: Basics, of course! What else? You still look like an alien, you know? Think you can handle more??


Is it normal that our baby looks like he can understand us when he is just 2-week old???

It is not that Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren are ignorant. They really just can't believe it! How the hell are you going to react when you noticed that your 2-week-old son can literally understand you?? They both thought.

Nope, I'm just hallucinating. We are just hallucinating. I mean, this is our first time having a kid, eh? This is normal. Definitely normal.

The next morning, the doctor who assisted in the birth of Wei Ying came in to check on Cangse Sanren's condition.

The reason why they are in Dafan is that when they are traveling, Cangse Sanren's water broke. Coincidentally, Wen Qing's father, Wen Qiu, found them. He ushered the couple to go to their village. Their village has a lot of healers!

The doctor brought her niece. "This is my niece, Wen Qing. Her mother, Xie Fang, is currently pregnant. I bought her here to practice taking care of babies since she will soon have a baby brother. Is it fine for her to play with your son?"

Cangse Sanren thanked her profusely when she finished checking on her. She smiled brightly at little Wen Qing. "Of course. Of course, it's fine! Hi, Qing-Qing. Do you wanna hold Ying-Ying?"

The little girl looked at her with wide eyes and asked in a childish voice, "Can I?"

"Definitely! Come here, sit. Careful, huh?"

However little Wei Ying wasn't hearing any of that. The moment he heard the name-Wen Qing-he was already anticipating for her to come.

When he sees her, he made grabby hands and wriggle from his mother's arm.

Wen Qing looks at the baby in awe when he was making grabby hands at her. The moment she took the baby, he snuggled closer to her arms. She rocked him softly and listened to him babble.

"Ye ye, en in, in ye!" Jie Jie, Wen Qing, Qing-Jie!

Wen Qing continued to stare in awe when he made the best happy face he could muster. "Can we keep him?" She asked suddenly.

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