Chapter 7 - Part II

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Last Chapter...

CSSR and WCZ: dead.

WWX: Lemme mourn, alright...

WWX: Passed out.

Soldiers: Yo, is this the kid who screamed? Come, let us kidnap him.

WYZ: Uh, so let me tell you my story.

WWX: Back off, I am still on scene.

Soldiers and Inn Owner: Let's chat.

WWX: don't mind me...I am just sneaking out.

Long lost prince... [Part II]

A night-hunt.

It was supposed to be a night hunt.

According to the villagers, there are just some ghosts bothering them. However, what has come to Cangse and Changze are dogs.

Huge black dogs. Beasts

With her high cultivation level and her husband's genius mind, it should be easy.

It is not.

"Our sect leader thought that you would be a great asset knowing what you did in the Nie Sect. Pity, that both of you have to die. If only you both would work for Sect Leader Wen~" A Wen disciple sneered.

"Just surrender~" Another Wen disciple mocked.

A high-rank Wen disciple, if one would notice his clothes, smirked. "Let's leave them, with their injuries I doubt they would still recover."

Wen disciples chuckled and spat at them.

Cangse glared at them, mentally cursing their generations. She kept asking herself how could this be, and why has it come to this.

Her mind was full of her husband and her kids. Her little A-Ying and her baby Yue.

Cangse Sanren inhaled deeply and focused on using her core to heal her wounds. Once she regained a little bit of her energy, she immediately went to her husband's side and feed him with her spiritual energy.

After a while, they managed to at least get a hold of themselves to go back to their children.

Suddenly, in her weakened state, Cangse did not notice the whip coming towards her. She slumped forward to the tree in front of her. She looked sharply in the direction where the whip came from.

Yu Ziyuan?


"Yu Ziyuan," she spat her name as if it was poison. "What have I done to earn your ire?"

Yu Ziyuan, the lady of YunmengJiang, sneered at her. "What have you done? You tell me what have you done! You married the servant but why have you stolen Jiang Fengmian's heart?! You wench! Just why would you have to go down that mountain?! Why did you take what is supposed to be mine??!!!"

Cangse widened her eyes, she cannot believe what she was hearing. Just a while ago, she and Changze were supposed to go and visit Lotus Pier, hoping that they would welcome them and being on good terms with Yu Ziyuan. She was looking forward to showing her little A-Ying where his parents met. And now, she wants nothing in Yunmeng Jiang.

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