Chapter 9

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Last Chapter...

ST deity: Meet your long-lost fam!!!

WWX: ...just which universe did you send me? I am no royalty in my last timeline...

WYZ: I'm your Bofu.

WS: I'm your cousin.

WWX: I am Wei Ying.

Wei Yue: blah blah blah

WWX: That's it, I need a new invention... *opens book*

ST deity: Sure- *transported into some woman's cottage, trying to hang herself*

ST deity: I am now asking myself why I chose you as my host...

Sit still and look pretty~

TW: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con (Madam Lan and QHJ)

Baoshan Sanren felt her daughter die.

She felt her beautiful beloved daughter die...

She doesn't even know if her husband is still alive or dead too.

She stands up. She decided that she will go after her grandson, and her son-in-law too if he is still alive...

Baoshan Sanren didn't find her grandson. She heard her. She knew it was his voice.

But, another cry captured her attention.

She hesitated, but in the end, she followed that cry.

She found another child - a street child, approximately 6-8 years old.

"Are you okay? What is your name?" She crouched and caress the boy's cheeks.

"Xiao- Xiao Xingchen."

She smiled and took him back to the Celestial Mountain.

She cast one longing gaze towards the direction of the shout and transported back to the Mountain.

Don't worry, dear Wei Ying. As long as you have the necklace, you will be safe. I will know that you are safe... We'll meet soon... Dear grandson...


"Auntie Wen Meixiu?" Wei Ying muttered.

Wen Meixiu was one of the aunties he saved on Qionqi Path. She was closed-off. Even before the Sunshot Campaign, Auntie Mei has always been silent, Wen Qing had told him.

So it was a shock to see Auntie Mei in the Lan Sect, and in this lonely cottage, away from the others! There's also a rope tied on the roof, don't tell me...?

"Meixiu? Who are you and how do you know my sister?" Auntie Mei - well is it Auntie Mei - said.

"I am Wei Ying, Madam. Your sister is Auntie Mei? How come I do not know you?"

The Madam ignored him. She murmured, "A Wei? Cangse and Changze's child? They had a child? Why is he here?" She looked at Wei Ying once more and smiled.

"I am Wen Meixiang, Wei Ying. Correct me if I am wrong, you are Cangse and Changze's child, are you not?"

"I am their child, Madam Wen." Ever the curious one, he asked, "If you are a Wen, why are you in the Lan Sect? And what were you doing earlier?"

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