Part 7: Oh god..

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Narrator's Pov:

Bennett and Razor walk to Good Hunter while chatting. Well, it wasn't really chatting. It was more of Bennett talking, Razor listening.

"Hey Sara! How are you? I've brought my friend today! He's from Wolvendom!" Bennett waves to a woman who was looking a bit exhausted behind a counter.

"Oh hey Bennett. I'm good. Wait... nevermind. Welcome to Monstadt, Bennett's friend. What would you like? Take a look at the menu." Sara said as she hands Razor the menu. She wanted to ask how Razor was from Wolvendom but didn't wanna be rude.

Razor looked at Bennett, confused. Bennett looked at Razor and finally realized what was going on. Razor wanted help reading the menu since he couldn't read.

"Please give us a moment. We'll just go to a table and discuss. I'll come back and order when we're done deciding.. heh.." Bennett told Sara and grabbed Razor's hand.

When they both settled down, Bennett started reading some items off the menu and described how some of the foods tastes. When he was about to read the next item, Razor pointed out to the sweet madame. (Heheh, best healing food)

"Oh.. you want that?! It's pretty good! I'll go order it. Be right back! Stay here." Bennett gets up and goes to Sara.

While Bennett was ordering their food, Razor was thinking about something. That something was the love poem Bennett wrote that time.

Although Razor didn't know what more than half of the poem meant, the tingly feeling was still there. He couldn't stop thinking about Bennett or the poem. It was like a addiction. Razor was addicted to Bennett. He wanted to be with the unlucky boy for the rest of his life. He wanted to protect him, just like his lupical.

With all these thoughts, Razor himself didn't know he was turning bright red. He didn't notice Bennett coming back.

"Razor??? R u okayyy? Razorrrrr?" Bennett waved his hand Infront of Razors face.

He flinched but then apologized. Bennett, being a simp, forgives him right away and pats his head.

Razor was used to this now.

While they were eating, a tall figure was heading towards them.

"Oh no.." Bennett said as he recognized who it was.

"Hey Sir Kaeya.." Bennett tries not to call his dads "dad" in public as he doesn't want them to be embarrassed.

A tall man with dark blue hair and a eyepatch waved and said, "Bennett, Bennett... Don't be afraid to call me dad. I don't mind at all." This man really didn't mind. He treated Bennett like it was his child and if he had to be honest, Bennett was one of the most funnest people he knew.

On the other hand, Razor looked at the man in awe. For some reason, he looked cool.

"Ohoho, is this who I think it is?~" Kaeya asked Bennett with a smirk.

"Oh god.. Yes. It is him..-" Bennett sighed.

"Ah! Hello there, Razor! Bennet has told me alot about you." Kaeya grins.

"Hello.. Bennett say what about I?" Razor asked, confused.

"Don't worry don't worry! He said lots of good things about you. Like how ur nice looking, kind, ho-" Kaeya had his mouth covered by Bennett's hand.

"Dont-" Bennett looked at Razor who was looking so lost.

Bennett sighed and pulled his hand away from Kaeya's mouth.

"Fine fine, I won't expose you any further, my dear child. Anyways, when's the wedding?"


It is fr midnight-

Anyways hope y'all enjoyed

Also Kaeya calling Bennett his child is cannon so dont attack me for it sheesh

Also I need to ask. Who do u main in genshin?

I main kaeya and razor heh...-

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