Chapter 1 (new ver.)

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***This is what the re-edited chapters will look like, I updated the first chapter so the viewers know what to expect from the oncoming re-edited versions, which will be slightly longer than the previous chapters I have written. Some chapters will be merged into other chapters. Again thank you for your understanding***

The noise of a busy street filled with tea houses and food stands, as well as sight of lotus flowers that mingled in with the dock, were what was normal for Yunmeng town. Most women gossiped in the tea houses while their husbands were put through hard labor throughout the day.

Women who wanted to accomplish more, often joined the sect that accompanied their town at a young age.

The YunmengJiang Sect was one of the most prestigious sect's in the entire continent, the sect leader was a kind and just one. His wife was an inspiration to many young girls, she was strong and independent, if not for her husband she claims that a sect mainly for women would have been established.

With the strong female role model and a kind sect leader, there were countless people of all ages taking the exam to get in.

Three days before this year's entrance exam, two teenagers were seen running through the practice field, which was currently being prepped for the oncoming days.

A female disciple was currently hauling a cart of cheap swords for the exam, with some droplets of sweat forming on the rim of her forehead, when she heard the two sets of shouts coming from ahead. Already guessing whose voices they belonged to, she rushed forward in excitement.

The older boy, was an adopted child found on the streets, was running around while the youngest chased after shouting.

"Wei wuxian! I knew you weren't listening!"

Feigning a confused look, wei wuxian infuriated the younger teen behind him even more. The two continued on with their antics, ignoring the laughing and cheers from the sidelines as one ran while the other chased. This scene was one the disciples often see in their sect, seeing these actions daily often gave the disciples a sense of temporary relief from the pain of consistent training..

After several long minutes of horsing around, a clear and thunderous feminine voice rose from the edge of the field, "I have not raised a pair of wild animals for sons."

Although the lady never raised her voice, the threatening tone she spoke with was unmistaken; her temperament could be observed to be a dissatisfied one as the ring on her finger began to light up with purple sparks.

All the present disciples moved several feet away from the field once they saw the small purple sparks, as they were well aware of the consequences one would face if those purple sparks ever erupted to its true form.

As if the bucket was poured over the two hooligans, they immediately stopped the chase and hurried over to the lady without hesitation. Being stared at as they walked over, the two boys felt their backs beginning to sweat. Standing in front, the youngest chose to swallow his fear and began to speak.


The woman immediately cut him off, "I do not believe I gave you permission to speak yet."

The sudden courage in the younger teen simmered down as he took a small step backwards, the oldest was now technically the closest to the woman. Glancing at the 'cowering' one behind him, he scoffed at him in his heart.

A harsh sentence broke the silence, "If you two do not leave the sect by today, I will forbid Yanli from seeing the two of you until her wedding day."

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