Chapter 4 (new ver.)

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Cloud Recesses has 3,000 rules, one states that GusuLan disciples must wake before the Sun rises.

Thus wangji woke with ease as wei wuxian shook him,

"Mn, what's wrong?"

Wearing a wronged face, wei wuxian once more explained that he had heard wangji speaking directly into his head.

Wangji shook his head, "There is no such ability to speak inside one's head."

Wei wuxian didn't believe him, so he grabbed wangji's hand "Try thinking something to me....when you spoke to me, we were..."




Wei wuxian became flustered thinking about their position earlier, thinking of the intimacy they had.

"A-anyway, just do it!"

Complying, wangji gently placed the hand wei wuxian gave him, sandwiching it warmly in his.

Locking his gaze into wei wuxians eye's, he conveyed several words.

Your body feels very warm when you sleep

Seeing that wangji was dead serious, wei wuxian's face blew up in shame. Throwing off wangji's grip, wei wuxian dashed for the washroom

He knew I hugged him!!

Looking at his reflection in the water, he saw his beet red face and bed head.




"No way! He saw me looking like this?!"

Wei wuxian sat down feeling dejected. If he knew he looked like this he would have tidied himself up before wangji woke up.

Dressing himself, wangji could overhear wei wuxian having a mental breakdown in the washroom.

Thus, he decided to ruffle his hair and make a fake drool mark on the side of his face before walk confidently into the washroom.

Hearing footsteps, wei wuxian looked up and saw a hilarious scene--the amazing lan wangji of the GusuLan sect had a terrible bed head and a line of dry drool coming from his mouth.

Wei wuxian couldn't help but chuckled aloud, "Lan zhan! Pfft, you have something right there."

Feigning idiocy, wangji placed his hand on the wrong side of his face, which was successful as wei wuxian laughed once more before coming in front of wangji.

Raising a small washcloth to wangji's cheek, gently whispering "Right here" as he gently rubbed the spot.

Although the spot was washed away, wei wuxian's hand lingered in place as the two held eye contact.

Wangji raised his hand to meet wei wuxians as he lowered them both then took the wash cloth to rub wei wuxians real drool mark.

Let's get ready now.

Wangji turned to rinse his mouth aside wei wuxian, the two were perfectly in sync as they got ready. As they were getting dressed a disciple knocked on the door and informed wangji that his elder brother was waiting for him in the punishment hall.

Seeing that the sun was beginning to rise, wei wuxian thought he would have to leave wangji's side. To his surprise, wangji gestured for him to follow.

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