Chapter 7 (new ver.)

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The following morning passed by fairly normal, until a Lan disciple had informed of Wei wuxians new dorm room.

"The room that young master Wei has been sleeping in, is filled with mold and too close to the head disciples living quarters. We have arranged your new quarters to be with your sect heir, young master jiang."

Once he finished his business, the disciple naturally went back to his normal duties. Naturally after hearing about his new living space, Wei wuxian didn't not keep quiet as he expected to stay with this new....close friend of his.

"Lan zhan, I thought that you're supposed to keep me under surveillance constantly. How are you going to do that if you kick me out of your room?"

I did not do that, it is probably likely that someone reported your room conditions once they heard you were staying there.

"Does that mean your still going to kick me out?"

Playing the pity card, Wei wuxian hung his head low while clenching the hand he held.

Of course not, you are under my surveillance. Due to your punishment you are required to stay next to me for the full duration.

"Then what if there was no punishment?"

Wangji played along with the little game Wei wuxian was playing.

You are mischievous, naturally if there wasn't this punishment there will always be another one coming not too far in the future.

After their little 'moment,' Wei wuxian pulled wangji along with him, guiding him to the back of the sect
When he reached a certain bush,extending his free hand downwards he plucked a small peony.

"Here! A 'house warming' gift, since I'm officially moving in."

Wangjis ear flushed red and before wei wuxian could poke and make fun of them, wangji dragged him back towards the direction of the library.

When they arrived at library the daily lesson took place and the hours passed by quickly, at some point in time wangji pulled out a certain scroll that he had hidden in his sleeve when Wei wuxian was grabbing some reference scrolls in the back.

With Wei wuxian distracted, he gently placed his second treasure next to his first—a lifelike drawing of his deceased mother. Using a talisman, he dried the peony to preserve it for a lifetime.

Mother, take care of your new roommate. It is extremely precious one-of-a-kind gift, take care of them.

As soon as Wangji softly rolled the scroll up and hid it away in his sleeve, Wei wuxian came back with the reference scroll.

The next couple days were peaceful for the two as the followed along a certain routine.

Wake up (together), eat breakfast with everyone else (together), study in the library (together), eat lunch in the library (together), sometimes go to the practice field and exchange some moves (together), and at the end of the day they go to sleep (together).

For a wild child, Wei wuxian was happily content with what others would discribe as a boring routine. Some people they passed by during those days would whisper, sympathizing with Wei wuxian as he had to be stuck with the famous Lan wangji, one of the two jades of gusu who was enshrined in ice.

Of course Wei wuxian paid no mind, as he liked the bits of attention he was getting. After all, he was gaining quite the reputation for being able to stand next to the famous jade for nearly the entire day—good thing no one knew that he actually was by his side for every second that he has been in Cloud Recesses, otherwise he would be admired as a god by certain idiots.

Speaking of idiots, the most notorious one was currently sitting depressed on a stone bench. Next to him, was a slightly smarter idiot.

"Huaisang, if you are so depressed about your test score why don't you just study?"

Sighing, huaisang raised his head leveling it with wanyin to lock their eyes. Huaisang's eyes were misty, wanyin could read the meaning behind those eyes.

"I study! I really do, it's just when nothing makes sense and you try to study what you don't understand, it doesn't help!"

Uncomfortable with the sudden emotional outburst, wanyin awkwardly tapped his back, "Uh, m-maybe if you study with someone who is well versed with the content?"

Shooting wanyin misty eyes once more, huaisang continued to complain.

"I asked the smartest person I know! Even Meng yao said that he was still trying to grasp at the content so he was unable to help me!"

Wanyin was looking around for someone to help him with this emotional friend of his. Looking left and right, he managed to catch a glance at his brother who was walking by with an all-knowledgeable lan wangji!

Sighing in his heart, he screamed Salvation!

"Wei wuxian! Come here real quick!"

Once Wei wuxian made his way over, his guard dog followed along. "Wei wuxian, since you are finally here I guess the two prides of yunmeng are back together."

Huaisang spoke with a slight prideful tone, sort of a I-know-some-big-shots kind of way.

Hearing his new title, wei wuxian didn't reject it but questioned it.

"Two prides of Yunmeng?"

Next to huaisang, the caught off guard wanyin choked a little.

"What! Just because there's the twin jades of gusu, there can't be two prides of Yunmeng? We are brothers too, you know."

Speaking with a rightful tone, wanyin felt like there was nothing wrong with his logic as he didn't notice the pettiness behind the title.

"Sure, jiang cheng what'd you call me over for? Are we changing our plans for this weekend, it's only a few days away."

Scratching his head, he motioned towards huaisang.

"This young master needs some extra help with the class material. We were wondering if you could help us with that."

Using his eyes, Wei wuxian saw wanyin glancing towards wangjis direction.

Ah, so that's what he means.

"Lan zhan, do you think—"

"No, you are still under a specific punishment."

Wei wuxian pulled wangji off to the side, as he tried to negotiate with his 'friend.' Several minutes later, Wei wuxian led the two of them back over to his brother and huaisang.

"So there's a condition. Lan zhan finally gave in and allowed the two of you to come to the library for study lessons."

"What's the catch?"

Wangji turned his gaze towards wei wuxian and wei wuxian did the same, they reached a mutual consensus in silence.

"Well, you both have to allow wangji to use the silence spell on the two of you until he thinks the two of you will be silent enough to remove the spell."

Huaisang immediately agreed to the conditions for both him and wanyin right away, leaving the hesitant wanyin with no choice to reject the offer.

The few days left until the weekend were filled with wonderful memories of wangji punishing huaisang and wanyin constantly in the library for still managing to be noisy while under the silence spell.

Eventually the weekend arrived and the group made their way down to Caiyi town once it became noon.

This time, the group took their time and walked down the path instead of riding their swords ensuring no incident occurs that would impair their trip. Two hours later, the entered caiyi town.

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