13》Distinguish Discussion

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"You said like that to them?"

She nod and sigh in guilty. Three days has passed and every minutes she surrounded by guilty in her hearts. She thought that she might too far and her words she said to them were little rude. Mingyu told her that nanny Jeon still want Mina to Jeon daughter in law and he left them in mad for two times.

Mina knew that Mingyu is not a hot tempered type. He acted like that when he cant hold his limit anymore.

Speaking of him, Mingyu have been avoiding Wonwoo all time when their friends asking them to hang out like usual. Scoups even texted Mina to ask about Mingyu. But she can answer with give him time and let him had his own space.

Their friends already knew it about the news after it spread it on live through all media and tv.

After all they respect Mina, Mingyu and Wonwoo issues so they wont push them much to tell the truth.

Wonwoo tried to talk with Mingyu, but everytime he texted or call, Mingyu decline it. Wonwoo feel bad that because of his grandma, his friends get involved inside his family matters. He already remind nanny Jeon many times that he wont marry Mina and never had feelings to her.

He is one of man that thought woman are all same. Wonwoo once said that he willing not to marry for life but his friends just laughing of him.

"What Im gonna do, Tzuyu? His grandma wont let me free until now. Last night I get unknown number and it was her!"

"What she texted you?"

"She said its nanny Jeon and she willing to pay me how much I want as long Im willing to marry Wonwoo."

"What the f—

Mina shush Tzuyu to low her voice as now they walking through hallway. Tzuyu cover her mouth with her file and look surround them. They then stop at one hallway that near emergency stairs so they can have some space to talk.

"Did she out of her mind?! You are not a thing to sell, Mina. She think money can settle everything and amount she will give is enough for your sake life?"

"Tsk, that is why! I didnt reply anything and let it be because I dont know what to say. What should I do?"

"Did you had speak with Wonwoo?"

"Speak? I dont even had his number and Mingyu have been avoiding his own friends after the party happend."

"Wow.... its been a week and he really pushed Wonwoo away that much."

Mina groan and tapping her file to her head while closing her eyes. She try to relax her mind so she can focus back on her work.

Tzuyu sigh and wondering her eyes to surround place before stuck her eyes ball on someone. She were shock and shaking Mina arms quickly. Mina who still close her eyes feel disturb and snap Tzuyu hand away from her.

"What?! Did you just see a ghost? Its early afternoon to see creepy things, Tzuyu!"

"He h-he he he h-he—

"Spoil it Tzuyu!"

Tzuyu look at her and suddenly paste her hands on Mina cheeck. She then force Mina head to face where she point to.

When Mina moving her eyes to surround area, she still remain calm until her eyes ball stop at man who standing at counter.

"Shoot! What he doing here?!"

"Errr Mina, what should you do now?"

"Me? Yah its suppose we! I dont want to meet him now, Tzuyu. We should cover our face or not, we will get caught!"

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