18》Another decision

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She yawning as she hear the river playing purely in early morning. She look at her watch, its 4 am and Mr. Bae said last night that they all will watch sunrise.

With that, Mina become so excited. She sit up and scretch her arms before look at her beside.

He still peacefully sleeping.

With his clean bareface, relaxing body and messy hair, she stare him for a while. Observing the man that will say vow with her on aisle, will may or never kiss her, and might share daily life together.

She shake her head and quickly tie her hair. She then take out her small towel, tooth brush and her cleanser from her bag and open the tent zipper.

"Where are you going?"

Mina almost get heart attack because of his voice. She cant blame him at all as he didnt greet her or make fuzzy noice, so she cares her chest and turn her head to him.

He with half wake up and use his elbow to raise his head, looking at her.

"Its 4 am. Like Mr. Bae said, we will watch sunrise. If you wanna join, go wash your face."

She didnt have to wait for his respond. Mina slowly get out and wear her slipper. She notice certain of them already woke up and some of them wash their face. Mina push her feet towards river and join peoples there.


"Good morning."

"You must be fiancee of Jeon company's son."

"A-ah y-yeah."

Mina fake her smile to her. As she know, this girl is the most younger from others so Mina assume she is teenager who will be adults soon. As the girl go away, Mina sigh and continue wash her face.

As she done, she stand up and turn around. The sky still look like a night but not too dark as the cloud staying to light the forest.

Mina walk towards their tent and see no one inside. She assume Wonwoo wash his face or drink water. She pit her stuff and walk little far from peoples around the bonfire centre.

With ointment on her hand, she take a seat under big tree. Mina try to open the bandage on her right ankle.

The wound slowly get better but because she still walk in limping, her mood turn little down. How embaressed to her after this if people notice how the way she walk.

All of them had their each partner and since yesterday, she saw how they being sweet together eventhough some of them are siblings. Mina notice that certain of fellow get small injured but brateful, its not affected the program.

Mina shake her head and quickly take off her bandage fully. With ointment she had, she put it to her wound. After sure the ankle get treated well, she wrap back with bandage.

"Mina! Mina!"

She hear someone calling her. As the voice like urgent, she use big tree behind to help her stand up. Mina force her feet to look for the voice. As she stop at bonfire centre, the vouce that calling her stop.

"There you are!"

She surprise when someone hold her wrist from back. She turn and see Wonwoo sighing as soon he found her.

"Where were you going? Its still 4 in the morning and you didnt even bring torchlight."

Is he worried about her or he trying to scold her? Exactly now the question appear on her mind. But she pass it as he just concerning her. There is no way he might worry to her. But thats what Mina thought.

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