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Thunder cracked as the trees shook. The sky was a terrible colour, it was like the colour of toxin surging through the clouds. Rain padded as if dozens of water hoses has been turned on and were left in the sky. The dusty ground was now a muddy pond, even the grass and flowers die due to the amount of rain.

The only thing that was heard was the thunder, the lightning, the rain padding on the ground and puddles and the raging river speeding like a runaway spaceship.

But after a few seconds of those four sounds, A fifth one was heard. It sounded like running footsteps through the muddy ground, feminine panting and sobs were also heard through the storm, it was like she was running away from something, or someone, dangerous.

A feline-like figure was running. Due to the rain, her white fur was now a light mucky grey and her once pigeon-blue stripes were now a dark cyan. Her light blue eyes, once filled with bravery, hope and sometimes sassiness, were now a little darker, filled with pain and fear. A recent blackeye formed around her left eye and her nose and mouth was dripping with dark red blood.

After running for one or two hours(?), her legs gave out and she collapsed into the mud. Her once nicely brushed raccoon tail and her once nicely polished yellow Artificial arm were covered in dark mud, But she was able to get back up and slump against a nearby tree, exhausted and afraid.

He may be out there looking for her, The one that gave her the black eye and the nearly broken nose, he was way different than.......the other her. He was another cat-like creature like her, but he had bright tiger orange fur with chocolate brown stripes and soft green eyes. His tail was a lot different than hers, it was like a fearless lion's tail instead of a bandit raccoon's tail.

She always thinks about him, The other her, And wants to be in his arms, his warm arms. When she met her current partner, she thought she met someone just like other her, but she was wrong. She was so wrong and stupid! This monster was nothing like him! He wouldn't drink too much and hit her like a punching bag! Ratchet wouldn't do that! He wouldn't!

That was his name; Ratchet; her other self. He taught her so much about trust and forgiveness, she even forgave the one who destroyed her right arm, Who is now her partner. But ever since they went our separate ways two years ago, her life seemed.........empty without him.

She......wishes......that he was here right now. She wishes.....

"Rivet....?" A small soft female voice carefully called out her name. Rivet perked up slightly and saw her blue-eyed yellow and black robot companion behind her in the corner of her eye. She looked concerned and had a little damage on her.

"K-Kit...." Rivet replied with a painful crack in her voice. Kit still looked at her with her concerned blue eyes as she walks slowly towards her, mostly due to her damaged leg.

"I-I'm so sorry Riv...." she stuttered, "I know you told me to stay hidden for once but when I saw Jackson hit you and cause you to fall to the ground, I just clicked and-"

"Kit! It's fine!" Rivet rasped, "It should be me to apologize to you! You shouldn't have seen that! No one should have seen that!"

The white lombax then buried her face into her knees and cried, Kit hobbled towards her best friend and embraced her waist. She could feel her once confident and brave friend shivering due to the rain, but mostly due to fear and brokenness.

But as Riv began to calm down, something else caught her eye. It was in the river, in the rushing river. She thought that she was seeing things due to her big whack in the head by her boyfriend, or should she say, EX-boyfriend.

She stood up and squinted her eyes as she saw the thing, but not any kind of orange; it was bright tiger orange.

It wasn't bright anymore though, it was darker colour now and it had dark brown, almost black stripes. But she knew that once dry, The stripes are chocolate brown. But as the thing one closer, Riv saw another colour on it.

She saw the colour of freshly drawn blood.

That scared her.

Tiger Orange.......chocolate brown.....No.....It can't be!

"RATCHET!!!" Rivet cries as she saw the thing form the shape of an unconscious, possibly dead lombax in the river. His body was draped over a log like he was grabbing onto it before he passed out.......or died. But Rivet didn't care if he was dead or not, she wanted to get him out of there!

Without hesitation, Rivet dove down into the water, forgetting that the river was rushing due to the storm and that she didn't like water, but she didn't care about that, she only cared about saving Ratchet.

Soon enough, she reached her lifeless counterpart, he was soaking wet and his chest was drenched in blood. His eyes were shut, so she couldn't see his warm green eyes.

"Ratchet! This is your female counterpart Rivet speaking! If you can hear me, just give me a sign if you were alive!" Rivet had gotten her original voice back, but it was now more colder and afraid.

Ratchet did not respond, he didn't even make a single twitch.

"Come on you idiot!" Rivet hissed, slapping his wet and bloody cheek with her metal hand since her real hand was hanging onto the log, "Wake up!"

As she heard heavy footsteps of her companion in her war-bot mode rushing towards them, she places her hand on his cheek for closing her eyes and saying:

"you're the only love I have left......I love you......."

To be continued.....

Ratchet and Clank: Love That is a Rift Apart  (COMPLETED) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now