chapter sixty-five

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season two ; episode seven { The Bonfire }
chapter sixty-five

BROOKLYN HATED TO BE MAD AT HER BROTHER BUT HOW COULD SHE NOT He didn't even take a glance at his own girlfriend— his supposed wife while she was on the ground crying her eyes out

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BROOKLYN HATED TO BE MAD AT HER BROTHER BUT HOW COULD SHE NOT He didn't even take a glance at his own girlfriend— his supposed wife while she was on the ground crying her eyes out. Maybe he felt relieved, happy that Ward was now dead because he killed his dad but he killed Brooklyn dad's too and she still managed to hold onto his girlfriend, her best friend.

Sarah was family to her, the girl that has saved Brooklyn's ass multiple times was her family. She loves Sarah and she will be there for her no matter what, it doesn't matter if what she's crying over is something stupid, she will be there. John B brought Sarah into this family, into the Pogues and Brooklyn isn't going to let her leave like this.

She hadn't seen Sarah since last night, she went home with Wheezie and told Brooklyn she'd stop by later.

"He deserved it, right?" JJ asked his own girlfriend who was mostly distracted and not paying attention.

"Are you joking?" She says, "Of course he deserved it," Brooklyn answered.

He did deserve it. Of course he fucking deserved it. Brooklyn would of preferred to see him rot in jail instead of taking the easy way out but he still deserved it all. She wasn't angry because Ward was dead, she was angry that she didn't have any support from John B when she was comforting Sarah.

"Never seen anyone blow themselves up like that," Pope says.

"Cross that one off the bucket list," JJ commented.

Brooklyn smacked the back of her hand against his arm and snapped, "JJ!"

"Sucks for Sarah," he said and Brooklyn nodded.

Kiara joined John B on the boat, placing an hand on his back while he laid staring down at the water. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"It's not me I'm worried about," John B replied.

Brooklyn leaned her head into JJ's arm, wrapping one arm around his. She hadn't been close to him in a while and all she wanted was to have him hold her for hours, to not let her go but they never had time. His arm fell around her waist and he let go of his fishing rod to hold onto her. "Wanna go inside?" he asked and all she did was hum quietly in response.

JJ began to pull his girlfriend across the deck and towards the house. When they got in, the pair fell back against the sofa in a hug that Brooklyn could fall asleep in. He was so comfortable to be up against and Brooklyn loved the feeling of his skin on her.

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