Chapter 20

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"Steve?" In the doorway, Steve stood there, his grown out hair gelled back, and his hands in his pockets. He looked exactly the same as he did five years ago.

"Hey Clara," he greeted her, but she wasn't sure how to react.

" did you find my address? How did you know I'd even be in Brooklyn?" Steve just stood in the doorway with that little smile of his.

"I have my ways. May I come in, please?" Clara stared at him, still in disbelief before waving him in.

"I don't know why you are here..." she talked to him as she made her way back to the couch. She heard Steve close the door silently behind him as he came in. "...But I have to wake up early tomorrow for work, so you can't stay for too long."

"Work?" He sounded half-surprised. "Wow, looks like you've been getting you're life together." Clara shrugged and rested her head in her palms.

"Yeah well, you must be pretty busy too since I haven't heard in you from forever." She wasn't mad at Steve exactly, but she couldn't help but be a little agitated since her night hasn't gone well.

"I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch. But we have been busy, trying to help the world out. Even after five years, it's been chaos. But Clara, we discovered something."

"Yeah well, whatever your big discovery is, it must be pretty damn important if it means that you had to contact me after five years."

"Look I know you're upset, but we found Scott Lang." Clara looked up at him, confused.

         "Wait, wasn't he one of the ones who disappeared? How did he come back?" Clara suddenly sat up straight. "Does that mean he's back?" Clara however has just been wishful thinking because Steve pressed his lips together and shook his head gently.

        "It's a long story, but he thinks he has a way of getting everyone back, and we are gonna need everyone we have to get this mission to work." Steve was being very broad about this plan, and she had a feeling that he may not have wanted her to know what it was.

       "What's the plan?" She asked him.

        "I think it would be better if Scott told you the details. He would be much better at explaining it than I would."

        "But it can bring everyone back?" Clara was unsure.

        "Yes, everyone." Clara stood up from her couch and started pacing back and forth.

       "I...I don't know Steve. What can I do? Sure I've fought with you guys once, but it's not like I was much help. But here, I'm helping people. I'm helping kids who have also been going through so much. Here, I have the life I always wanted, Steve." She brushed her hair out of her face and put her hand on her forehead. It was silent in her apartment. She could feel Steve's blue eyes on her and she became very anxious.

         "But even with all of this, you wouldn't be happy, would you?" Clara looked at him, and she could see in his eyes that he understood how Bucky's disappearance had still affected. "Can I ask you something? Why? Why all this?"

         "I told you. I wanted to try and live a normal life." Clara half mumbled this, but Steve wasn't satisfied with her answer.

       "Clara, I think there is another reason why you bought this apartment and have been working. And I think you know what it is." Clara had just realized that it stopped raining out, making it a lot quieter than it was before. Clara thought about what Steve said. Another reason? She stared at her TV, which was off, and started to think. What was the other reason? But she knew what the reason was.

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