Chapter 8

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"Any signs of the threat yet?" Clara was standing in front of the window, keeping an eye out in the sky. It's what she's been doing for the past ten minutes. She behind her shoulder over to Steve, who was looking back at her, and shook her head.

"No. Everything seems normal." She looked back out the window. Down below, she could see Sam, Rhodey, and Bucky hanging out in the clearing. Behind her, the others were gathered around a table that Vision was lying on. She wasn't sure what was happening exactly, but from what she overheard, the yellow rock in Vision's head is wanted by some evil alien, and they are trying to find a way to remove it without killing Vision. And Wakanda, being the most technologically advanced country on the planet, can do so. However, they are on a time limit with the evil guy and his alien army coming to Wakanda at any minute, so they must be as efficient as possible, and with her being there to warn them.

      "How long?" Clara heard Steve ask Shuri behind her, and Clara just assumed that meant Vision's stone removal.

       "As long as you can give me?" Clara suddenly felt something off. Her gut was wrenching and she felt her heart start to race. When she closed her eyes, she could hear the faintest sound of some kind of ship.

       "Guys..." Clara spat out nervously. "I think you might want to get started on that procedure of yours right away. I have a feeling your time has just become even more limited." She turned away from the glass, and they were all staring at her with worried looks. A few seconds later, Okoye, which she had overheard T'Challa call her during their conversation, had a beeping noise erupt from one of her beads on her bracelet. She pulled it off and held it in the palm of her hand, and a hologram of the planet lit up.

       "Something has entered the atmosphere." She told everyone. Shit. They all exchanged worried glances. Clara, still having her "super hearing" on, could make out the rumbling getting louder and louder quickly. She turned back towards the window, and in the air, she saw this giant metal aircraft thing from the sky coming flying down towards Wakanda.

       "I'm assuming that's them right?" Clara felt a lump grow in her throat, and she swallowed it down. The giant metal thing was headed right towards them, but fortunately exploded upon impact with Wakanda's barrier. The explosion was much louder for her, and she had to cover her ears because it was so loud.

       "Clara, you alright?" Wanda had spoken to her for the first time in forever, and Clara answered by nodding.

       "Yeah. My ears are just a bit more sensitive."

        "There are more coming outside the barrier." She heard Rhodey speak through the earpiece. Before those could also slam down to earth and shatter her eardrums, she turned off her super good hearing. She watched as the giant pods crashed down outside the barrier. With each one landing, it was as if an earthquake had hit. A total of four giant pods had landed outside of the barrier.

       "That's it. We need to destroy the stone now." Behind them, Vision was struggling to get up from the table to join the others. Nat, who was all the way at the end, didn't agree with him though.

       "Vision, get your ass back on the table." She ran over to Vision and pressed him back down on the table.

        "We will hold them off." T'Challa had ordered his guards, and all of them except for four or five of them left their post and followed T'Challa out the door,

         "Clara, come with us. Wanda, as soon as that stone is out of his head, blow it to hell." Clara looked over at Wanda before departing to room. Wanda looked nervous, but she was ready.

        "Evacuate the city," T'Challa ordered his guards. Clara, Bruce, and Nat were following him out the door. Wanda was standing next to Vision as Shuri started to work on him. Steve was examining the giant pods outside of Wakanda's walls. "Engage all defenses," T'Challa stopped in his tracks and pointed over at Steve. "And get this man a shield." It's happening, Clara realized. I'm fighting in a war that could either save or destroy the universe. She just hopes that she would be able to do all she could. That all that training would somehow be helpful and she wouldn't be a waste a space; another body to lie in the battlefield.

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