Chapter 30

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Clara woke up, gasping for air, and letting out violent coughs. When she did, her rib cage ached a lot. She was covered in dirt and mud, and around her the dust had settled. She could hear water from the pipes rushing farther away, and it was dark. Clara pressed her palms onto the ground, and she let out a loud gasp as she pushed herself up and onto her butt. She leaned up against the debris, and breathed in deeply, trying to block out the pain in her side. She looked up, and the dark sky look several miles away from where she was. Like she was trapped in a giant well. How did I survive without getting crushed by debris...or just landing in a bad position? Clara looked around the area. It was unrecognizable. Just dirt and dim flashing lights and debris. Where is everyone else? Clara winced as she used a piece of cement to push herself up, and when she got on her feet, she leaned herself up against the dirt again. She held her side, and she panted heavily. The pain was already started to ease a bit, but from the amount of dust she inhaled, she was coughing every few breaths.

"HELLO?" She called out, followed by a violent cough. She realized her senses were dialed up yet, so she closed her eyes and focused. In all directions, she couldn't hear signs of anyone. The water from the pipes were too loud. "ANYONE ALIVE?" Clara Calle sour hopelessly. "SOMEONE ANSWER! PLEASE?" Clara was getting nervous. What if someone died? What if they all died? That's not possible. If I survived, then the others would have had to survive as well. Then Clara remembered her earpiece. They would have to hear her then. She held her hand up to her ear, and she clicked a button. The line was all static, causing her eardrums to ache.

"Hello, this is Clara? Anyone copy?" Clara waited a few seconds, and when no one responded, she spoke again. "Anyone else down here?" She waited again, becoming more nervous when no one responded.

"Cap? Stark? Anyone?" In the earpiece, Clara heard Clint's voice. With a newfound energy, she responded.

"Clint! It's Clara! Where as are you, so I can find you?" Clara could here Clint's moans.

"I...I can't tell. It's all looks the same." Clara stopped for a moment to think. She looked at the different pathways that were created by the debris.

"Stay where you are, I'm going to find you. Stay on the line if there is trouble."

"Roger that." Clara clicked a button on the earpiece so Clint won't hear everything she hears, but she was still able to hear if he would need help. Clara gave a few more steady breaths, then she shook her hands out nervously.

"Okay, Clara." She spoke to herself. "It's been awhile, but it's just like riding a bike." She took one more deep breath. "Alright Stark, let's see how good your suit really is." Clara closed her eyes, and she could feel her shape lengthen and shift efficiently. She felt herself grow in size, and when she opened her eyes, she was standing on all fours. She lifted up a paw to examine it. Not bad for not doing it for five years. Clara's sense were now also very powerful once again. She never realized before, but now that she as a wolf again, she kind of missed it. Though it never really left her, she was able to limit that power for a long time, so being a wolf again felt almost freeing. Focus, Clara. You need to find Clint. Clara took a few steps to get used to walking, and as soon as she was okay, she took off in a trot. She kept her ears perk, listening for any movement or anyone calling out. But she heard nothing. She tried to track them down, but she would inhale the dust, causing her to sneeze.

       "Clint?" Clara called out. She had forgotten how weird it felt to talk now that the movement in her jaw was much more restricted. But she was able to form words. "Clint, where are you?" Clara slowly passed debris, and she stopped in her tracks when she thought heard something. She stood stiff, twitching her ears to see if she could pick up the sound again.

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