forty one

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I held McKinley close to me as I breastfed her. She had her hand on my chest and her big blue eyes were closed slightly. I love breastfeeding both of my kids. Cooper stopped when he was 18 months old. I wasn't ready to stop but I knew that it was time. I'm hoping that McKinley will breastfeed a little longer than him.

I woke up the next morning to both Cooper and Kinley in the bed next to me. It's so crazy how big both of them have gotten. McKinley will be turning a year old in three months. I ran my fingers through Cooper's blonde hair and he rubbed his face, turning over.

"Morning." I whispered and rubbed both of their backs. Cooper whimpered and covered his face. "Mama." He mumbled. I smiled softly. "It's time to get ready for school." He yawned before getting up. I stood up too and went to his room to get out his clothes.

I put both of the kids in their car seats before getting into the car. I turned it on before driving to Cooper's school. "Are you excited about going to school?" I asked him. "Yeah!" He smiled excitedly.

I smiled as I pulled in front of his school. I got out and helped him out of his seat. "Hi Cooper!" His teacher's assistant waved as he ran to her. "Bye mama!" He turned to wave at me. "Bye baby, have fun!" I waved back and got back into the car to drive home.

I fixed Kinley and I breakfast as soon as we got home. I made her some scrambled eggs and frozen pancakes while I had avocado toast. We both sat down at the table while we ate. I smiled at McKinley as she ate. She had her little ankles crossed and she would move her head back and forth.

We met eyes and she grinned. "You're so cute." I smiled and rubbed her hair.

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