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I heard crying from the living room and I rushed over. "Kinley, what's wrong?" I pouted and walked over to her. I grabbed her pacifier that fell out of her mouth and put it back in. She looked up at me as I walked back into the kitchen. I fixed Cooper and I two bowls of brown rice, chicken, green peppers, and black beans.

"Cooper, come eat!" I called and took them to the dining room. I heard his little feet running towards me. I helped him climb into his chair. "Let's pray." I held both of his hands. "Thank you god for our food. Amen!" He said. "Amen." I smiled as we began to eat.

I laid Kinley in her bathtub and watched as she played in the water. "Hi Kinley." Cooper giggled and kissed her forehead. I smiled at them as they played for a little while. Cooper would hold Kinley's hand as I washed her. "You're such a good big brother." I said to him and he grinned proudly.

I finished feeding Kinley in her rocking chair. I looked down at her as she sleepily blinked. "Let's go to bed." I carefully put her in her crib. I put her pacifier in her mouth and turned her sound machine up. "Goodnight sweetie." I said softly and kissed her forehead before leaving the room.

I went downstairs and started to clean up the kitchen. I watched from my double baby monitor as Cooper and McKinley both slept. I finished washing the dishes and put a load of clothes in the dryer as my phone rang. I looked down and smiled as I saw Ryan's picture.

Ryan, my husband, is away at Fort Benning for training in the army. He left four months ago a few days after McKinley was born. It was so hard getting through the first few weeks without him but I prevailed.

"Hey!" I smiled widely. "Hey Jess, I miss you so much." He said. "I miss you too baby, you should see how much the kids have grown. Cooper looks so much like you." I leaned against the counter. "Really? There's only a few more months until you guys see me." He said and I nodded. We continued to talk for a little while until he had to go. "I love you so much." He said. "I love you more." I responded before hanging up.

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