forty three

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"What are you going to do for Kinley's birthday?" My mom asked. I was sitting on her couch with McKinley playing on the floor. "One Sweet Peach." I smiled at her. "That's so cute." She chuckled. I watched as Kinley crawled over to her.

"Hi baby girl." She cooed and picked her up. She sat her down on her lap and kissed the top of her head. "I don't want my baby to be one yet." She pouted. Kinley kicked her feet happily. "Me neither."

Cooper excitedly talked about school when we went inside the house. "I'm so happy bud." I smiled and hung up his bag. He took off his shoes and went to go play with his toys. I held McKinley as I took out a salmon fillet and broccoli for dinner. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before putting her down. I watched as she crawled away.

I cut the salmon in half and put my half on a different pan. I cut the kids' half into smaller pieces and coated them in flour, egg, and breadcrumbs. I put them on a pan and in the oven. On my salmon, I put salt, pepper, and garlic powder before putting it in the oven as well.

I wiped my hands with a towel and went into the living room. I smiled when I saw McKinley and Cooper playing together. He was rolling his cars around her and showing her how to do it. I took a picture with my phone before going over to them.

"McKinley's birthday is soon." Cooper and I sat on the couch while I breastfed her. "Really?" He looked at me. I nodded. "She's going to be one year old."

"Yay Kinley!" He clapped and patted her foot. "I'm going to get her the best present ever!" He grinned and my heart melted.

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