forty seven

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"Guess who's nine months old!" I cooed and turned on McKinley's room light. She screeched as we met eyes. She was standing in her crib and holding onto the border. I laughed and turned off her sound machine, picking her up. I kissed her cheek and took her over to her changing table. I changed her diaper before taking her into the living room.

"Kinley has to go to the doctor," I said to Cooper as he stood at the sink on his step stool. He looked up at me, grabbing his toothbrush from me. "Does she have to get a shot?" He squeezed her toes as I brushed her teeth. "I don't know. I think she has to get her blood drawn." He frowned and leaned against her leg.

"It's ok Kin, I'll hold your hand." He looked at her and I smiled softly as I continued to brush her teeth.

McKinley's appointment went very well; she's right where she needs to be developmentally and physically. The next time she goes to the doctor she will be one year old and I'm not ready for that. After her appointment, we went to Starbucks.

I got an iced brown sugar shaken espresso and a bacon, Gouda, and egg sandwich, Cooper had bacon and Gruyère egg bites and a chocolate milk, McKinley had the same but as broken up pieces. We ended up eating inside and Cooper got a cake pop for later.

While the kids played, I went through McKinley's clothes and took out everything that's too small. I was keeping some of her clothes for another baby and donating the others. It makes me sad to look at all of her tiny clothes; I don't want her to grow up.

I heard little giggles and I turned around to see McKinley crawling to me. "Hi baby." I cooed and held out my hands. She smiled widely and crawled into my arms.

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