forty eight

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I put up our macaroni and cheese leftovers and washed the dishes. I then got McKinley out of her high chair and cleaned her face before putting her down on the floor and I cleaned up the dining table. I washed her high chair tray and put it back before walking towards the living room. Dinosaur Train was playing on the tv and Cooper was sitting on the couch watching while McKinley sat by her toys.

"Look mama!" Cooper smiled and quickly got down. I watched as he went over to McKinley and held up a fist. McKinley looked up at him before hitting her knuckles against his. My heart melted as Cooper giggled and looked at me.

"You and McKinley have a handshake huh?" I smiled. He giggled and nodded. "I taught her how to do knuckles." He ran back over to the couch and flopped back onto it. McKinley turned and looked up at me. "Hi baby." I smiled as she smiled back. I picked her up and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She put a chubby hand onto my cheek and leaned in to kiss my nose.

"Bye mama!" Cooper smiled as he ran over to his friends. I said goodbye to one of his teachers before going outside with McKinley. I put her in her car seat and got in.

"Ready to go home baby?" I turned to look at her. She played with her teether as I started our way home.

Before her nap time, we watch YouTube. I turned on Ms. Rachel and sang along, showing her the hand motions. When the video ended, I took her to her room and nursed her, put on her sleep sack and laid her down so she could sleep. I turned on the sound machine and closed the door before going towards the bathroom to get ready.

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