9!| Wind

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After Dantalion's short meeting with Venti, they would occasionally meet up in the streets of Mond and chat. If they were to bump into each other in the night, however, Venti would drag the pair to Diluc's tavern and have a drink- [Y/n] paying for everything of course.

Now, [Y/n] and Chi were currently aimlessly strolling around the Wolvendom, getting themselves lost in the woods. [Y/n] along the way was collecting flowers, and making a mini bouquet.

"He Chi," the archon called out as she plucked a wolfhook, "Do you want to do some training?"

Jueyun shrugged, "The adventurer's guild told me that Dadaupa Gorge is swarmed with hostile creatures, maybe we can slay some slime over there?" she suggested whilst pointing behind her.

"That's so far though," [Y/n] sighed, looking at the vast distance ahead, "Maybe if we walk to Springvale, I can teleport us to Dadaupa Gorge, It shouldn't take that long," she calculated. The two now turned their route around, walking towards the direction of the small village in Mondstadt away from the city when suddenly, a boar rammed straight into Chi, tossing her body far back.

[Y/n] paused for a second, processing the scene that happened in front of her before a gray-haired boy dashed in the direction Chi went, using his electro vision to speed up his movements, jumping and catching the board with his enlarged electro claws.

The archon let out an ugly laugh soon afterward, realizing how comical the scene look. She walked towards her companion, grabbing her hand to lift her up as the human chili brushed off the dirt and dust on her clothing, "how exhilarating," Chi rolled her eyes sarcastically, sending a glare at her master who was still giggling.

A sudden electro zap was heard as Razor fried the boar alive. [Y/n]'s eyes lit up as she recognized the boy, subconsciously licking her lips when she remembered the delicious puppy hashbrowns he made.

"I Apologize. Go hunting. Boar Escape," the wolf-boy spoke, a remorseful look on his face. [Y/n] smirked inwardly, a plan forming in her head.

"I would accept your apology-" she started, looking at Chi beside her who eyed her back weirdly, "But my friend here was badly injured, I don't think a sorry would hel- oW!"

Chi aggressively nudged the archon in the rib, causing her to double back. With a small smile, Chi shook her head towards the boy, "Ignore her, she was just joking, I'm completely fine," the spirit reassured. Razor still hesitated, looking at the two with his brows in a slight frown.

"But I'm at fault," he spoke word-by-word, tilting his head to the side cutely while in contrast, his left hand was single-handled carrying a dead boar larger than his body on his back.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐧 [Genshin Impact ✘ Reader]Where stories live. Discover now