17!| The Archons' Death

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Dian turned to her companion, her eyes terrified at the blood covering her companion's arms and feet. Dian looked down to watch her hands, littered with red and mud. What scared her the most was the answer to whether the blood covering her hands was hers or the body she was holding.

Dantalion looked around her, the morning sky so gray from the smoke and dust due to the destruction of ancient sculptures and monuments. Her eyes caught the moments of the purple glow fading as her breath halted, dropping the now cold body in her arms. What was once full of warmth was now too cold to touch. 

"M'Lady!" Chi screamed once again, her ripped Hanfu flowing behind her as she ran over to Dian, her beacon breaking into pieces behind her. The Theo archon froze, looking at her beloved companion in such a state; Chi's eyes were wide, the ends thinly brimmed with tears as Dantalion looked up, a glowing meteor all too familiar to her approaching at a rapid speed as she felt her body jolt during the impact, knowing all far too well that this was the end.

Air breezed through her hair as she clenched her fists, her eyes cracking slightly to peak at the aftermath, only to be met with a blue sky.

[Y/n] let out a huge sigh of relief, her hands feeling the scale underneath her as she looked down to enjoy the breeze.

Ju Huang on the other hand was calming herself down from a heart attack. The scene was all too familiar to her as she watched [Y/n] throw the giant ball of Theo at Osial, the particles breaking into smaller pieces, hitting Osial like meteors from space as the lord of the vortex went down deeper and deeper back into the very place where he was sealed.

During the impact, [Y/n]'s consciousness passed out due to the elemental clash, her body going down at a steady speed as her hair gradually struggled to maintain its faux color, a few strands of white fading in. Ju Huang screamed her name once more before jumping off the Jade Chamber, morphing her body into her dragon form, and immediately soaring mid-air to catch her Archon.

"Are you alright M'lady?" Chi spoke up. Her voice was now significantly deeper and rougher, but still had a feminine tone to it.

"All thanks to you," [Y/n] giggled, slowly coughing a bit after, "Just a bit damaged but I'll be fine after taking a bite or two," The Archon heaved a bit, her chest feeling heaving, "Hey Chi, let's go back down shall we? I feel like your adepti friends are about to depart, you don't wanna miss them do you?"

"I don't mind circling the harbor a few more times if it means you get to enjoy the feeling M'lady,"

"I've enjoyed this too much now, let's go down, I feel like I'm going to get motion sickness the longer you go on," Dian replied jokingly.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐧 [Genshin Impact ✘ Reader]Where stories live. Discover now