12!| Guili and Glaze Lilies Pt. 1

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After a long walk from the city of Mondstadt, the sun shines brightly in the middle of the sky as the group was now taking a break at Dawn Winery. Ju and Aether were having a discussion while Venti and [Y/n] were downing on the charcuterie board Diluc asked the maids to prepare.

Venti took a sip of the wine, ranting about how they had to walk all the way here and why they couldn't just glide. [Y/n] groaned as picked up a berry from the board, "If you want so badly, then make an air current for us every time bard," she rolled her eyes. [Y/n] had apparently lost count of how many times she heard him argue that gliding would've been faster

"Ehe," Venti shrugged, taking a bite from his apple.

Diluc suddenly came in between the two and placed a bag full of food as well as ointments for their travel to Liyue. "Here," he spoke as he opened up the contents of the bag, "Take this as gratitude for your help in Mondstadt- and do accept my apologies for doubting you,"

[Y/n] smiled as she patted his lower arm, "You're not so bad yourself Master Diluc, and don't sweat it, I just lent you my shield, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary,"

Diluc scoffed and chuckled, "If you hadn't, Paimon wouldn't be with us today," he commented as he stared at the floating faerie who was trying to get a look at what Aether and Ju were discussing.

[Y/n] chuckled as she looked around, spotting a large frame in the center of the dining hall. [Y/n] hummed, looking at the family photo hung on the platform where the staircase was," Crepus Ragnivindr right?"

This caught Diluc's attention, causing him to cross his arms and tilt his body ever so slightly to face the woman, "Why do you ask?"

"When the overworld opens again, I'll pay him a visit," she twiddled with the pocket watch hung around her neck, "Would you like me to forward a gift to him from you?"

"Really?" Diluc's hand slowly fell to his sides, not knowing what to say. He rubbed his chin between his forefinger and thumb as he thought about what to give before he remembered something. Diluc then walked towards the cabinet beside a desk, opened the drawer, and took out 2 letters and a Dandelion wine encased in an intricate box. He walked back and handed it over to [Y/n], "Please do give this to him, I'm sure he would've loved to try out the wine I've made- oh and, the letters from Kaeya and I,"

"Your request is my pleasure," [Y/n] replied, placing the objects on the table and whispering something under her breath, the palm of her hands facing the gifts as they were slowly encapsulated in a celestial hexagonal box and then disappearing, "I'll assure you that he'll be receiving these in good condition"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐧 [Genshin Impact ✘ Reader]Where stories live. Discover now