-°~Chapter 1~°-

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Word count: 1,204
No one's POV:

Do you ever just wake up and know something is about to happen? Having a gut feeling that the day would result in a life changing way? Just knowing that something's gunna happen but not knowing if it would be good or bad untill it happened? Well, that's what's happening here.

Our lovely greenette had just woke up and he could already tell something was about to go down, call it instinct, a gut feeling, a sick sense, but he just knew something was about to go down.

He knew this feeling all to well, threw out he's quirkless years he had felt this feeling over and over again, the first time he felt it was on he's forth birthday, the day he was diagnosed quirkless.

Then like any other protagonist he's life went down hill in just that one day, that one word described he's sentence for the rest of he's life.

Of course when he got into U.A. it didn't exactly change but it was a less often occurrence, but today was like the feeling he felt all those years ago, he still remembered the feeling like it was yesterday and could always pin point it, it was useful and scary at the same time.

Though now that he was feeling this sicking feeling once more, he knew something was gunna happen and he's years of abuse told him it wouldn't be good, he knew for a fact it wouldn't be good, there was just no way.

So as he got out of bed he got ready for a morning jog, morning jogs always helped Izuku get he's mind right back on track, so he got he's work out clothes on before he made he's way out of the dorms.

After he's morning job he happily made he's way back to the dorms, he's bad feeling had went away half way threw he's jog so he was more calm, he had ended up helping an old lady with her groceries on he's way so he accidentally stayed out longer then intended.

Though that was fine, he could just skip breakfast so he wouldn't be late.

As he intered the dorms he noticed everyone was already gone, usually nobody went out untill 15-10 minutes till they had to leave so it was a little weird they were all already gone, but he didn't question it, so he just ignored he's gut feeling about something being wrong and went to her dorm room changed real quick before leaving with all he's stuff.

Every step he took that brought him closer to 2-A made he's stumic to flips, but it definitely wasn't in a good way.

It made him sick, he didn't know what was gunna happen which startled him, he was getting paranoid, he told hemself every few minutes that it was all in he's mind, he didn't wanna believe it but he knew he had to.

When he made it to he's class he let out a calming breath before opening the door, but very quickly everything went black.


When he came around he could already tell something happened, though when he opened he's eyes he was met with an intergaion room.

"An intergaion room...? Why am I here... Shouldn't I be in school?..." When he tried to bring he's hand up to he's face he's heard a shakle.

Quickly looking down he saw hand cuffs on hemself that connected him to the table, he was confused as to why he was in an intergaion room chained up to the table but he couldn't dwell on it much before someone walked into the room.

Detective Noamasa.

He's met him a few times, Noamasa was always nice to him, though he looked a little upset, disappointed maybe? Then in walked All Might who looked angry.

"D-Detective? All Might? What's going o-on?" Izuku asked with slight worry.

Noamasa gave a sigh before sitting down on the opposite side of him while All Might stood behind the detective.

"Look Midoriya, I'm gunna ask you a few questions and your gunna answer them as honestly as you can okay?" Noamasa asked politely. Izuku nodded letting Noamasa continue.

"Alright, first question: have you ever hurt someone on accident or purposely?" Noamasa asked while looking at Izuku.

"Uh... Well yes... To both questions" Izuku answered, he has hurt people both by accident and purposely, I mean the sports festival was brutal!

He nodded as he wrote something down before speaking "Okay, do you know everyone's weakness?" Noamasa asked.

"Yep!" Izuku stated happily, he's been doing analysis for years, of course he'd know at least a good portion of them!

"Okay.... Do you go out at night?" Noamasa asked after he wrote down something.

"Ha, Yeah a few times!" He answered, of course he's been outside, he loved stargazing and the night was always so calm!

Once again Noamasa wrote down stuff before speaking again "Alright... Is this your notebook?" He asked as he pulled something out of he's jacket, which was infact one of Izuku's analysis notebooks.

"Mhm! I wrote it all myself! I've been doing these for all my life, so there's a lot of information in there on everybody I know!" Izuku stated, this was he's hobby though he did wonder why Noamasa had it...

With a sad sigh Noamasa sat up before looking over at Izuku sadly "Well that's all I need to know, Izuku Midoriya your under arrest for being the UA traitor." He said.

It took a minute for it to process, then when it did:

"WHAT?! I-I'm not the UA traitor! I'd never petray UA!" Izuku said in defense, him? The UA traitor? That was just ridiculous!

"I'm sorry but you'll be moved to tretrus for your crimes, I'll be back to bring you to your cell shortly" Noamasa said before leaving, which is when All Might spoke up.

"I can't believe I chose you as my successor... Young Midoriya please give OFA back." All Might said as he stuck out he's hand.

"B-But I'm innocent! I-I'd never do anything like that! You know don't you?... D-Don't you..?" Izuku questioned, practically pleaded.

All Might seemed to be holding back tears "Young Midoriya I will not ask again." He said sternly.

The greenette looked down before plucking a strand of hair and giving it to all might, after that he left without another word to the child, after that Izuku began to shake as he cried.

On the other side of the mirror was Aizawa, Noamasa, Nezu, presentation Mic, and after a few minutes all might walked in.

"I don't believe the little listener is the traitor... He just.. there's no way!" Mic suddenly said as he shook he's head in disapproval.

Aizawa nodded "I agree, Midoriya may be a problem child but wouldn't hurt anyone for fun." He said sternly.

"It doesn't matter what we think... The evidence is stacked against him, the commission won't care." Noamasa said as he looked at the kid threw the window that was crying into he's hands.

All the while all might stood in the corner with Nezu, both thinking completely different things.

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