-°~Chapter 8~°-

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Word Count: 1,615

Still having trouble coming up with ideas for here so like, be patient pls🧍
No One's POV:

It had been about 3 months sense Izuku had been given the boot from UA, and despite popular opinion, he is not having a fun time.

For the last 3 months, Hando has been kicking his fucking ass in the dirtiest ways possible, I mean for fucks sake she's thrown dirt in his eyes a million times! Then when he finally learned how to counter that she started throwing GLITTER. FUCKING GLITTER. And he doesn't even know where it came from or how she's getting it, it's actually scary.

Actually.. Did she even pay for it?

Wait no that's not even the point-

Very quickly he was cut from his thoughts as he felt himself be blinded before he was thrown to the ground, he groaned loudly as he laid on the ground, right, he was practicing his combat with Hando.

He didn't even have to open his eyes to know he was gay-afied with Hando's Glitter.

"Did you forget we were training?" Hando questioned as she crossed her arms.

"....nnnoooooo" Izuku drawled out as he attempted to wipe the Glitter away from his eyes.

"Well either way we're done for today- er, night. I gotta go on a small mission so don't do anything stupid" Hando stated as she started to walk away.

"Okay- Wait what?! Where?! What's the mission??" Izuku quickly stumbled up as he looked at Hando, he'd finally opened his eyes so that's a plus.

"Nothing to worry about Kid, I shouldn't be long!" Hando yelled out as she quickly ran out of the building.

"That's only going to make me worry!!" Izuku yelled after her with a huff, sometimes he feels like he's actually the parent here.

He looked at his clothes, and unsurprisingly there was real fine Pink Glitter all over him, he sighed as he went grab a few towels, he hoped this glitter was biodegradable, if not he's gonna have to hit Hando over the head.


Hando was.. Definitely not having fun.

Currently 5 different pro heros were after her, she knows for a fact the loud one, Present Mic, is after her and also the burning dumpster fire, she's also pretty damn sure that damn dumpster fire of a number 1 hero brought 2 children with him, which is part of the reason why she's running and not fighting, also the bird is after her, which is annoying as fuck, because she's lowkey paranoid that said bird will poop on her, silly but still.

Suddenly a scarf was thrown at her, she just narrowly avoided that scarf, okay so not 5 but 6 pro heros were on her tail, well technically there were 4 pro heros and 2 heros in training but she doesn't wanna get spasific, to much effort for that.

Back on topic, she quickly dived down into an ally way before she continued running in the opposite direction of her home, she didn't need Satan's goons finding her child.

"FUZZ KILL!!!!!" She heard the dumpster fire yell, she couldn't help yelp as she quickly ducked from a fire ball.

"JEEZ WATCH WHERE YOU THROW THOSE THINGS!" Hando screeched as she hid behind a wall, is he trying to barbecue her?!

She looked around trying to figure something out, as soon as she found a firescape she was quick to start climbing it, as soon as she reached the roof she saw the loud man.

"Ughhhhh noooo" Hando whined as she got to her feet and into a fighting position.

"Sorry! But you are a vigilante" Mic stated with a sly smirk.

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