-°~Chapter 7~°-

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Word Count: 1,306

BakuBitch to the rescue🥺🥺🥺
No One's POV:

Katsuki was fuming.

Currently he was in his room pacing the floor, he's hands were slight raised to let out small exspersions just so he could get a bit of stress out, and to help keep him grounded as he thought about the situation at hand..

It's officially been a month sense Izuku was "coNfIrmED" as the traitor and he wasn't having any of it!

Izuku was not the god damn traitor! I mean aside from knowing the guy for-fucking-ever the truth was glaring them right in the fucking face, Izuku has been the most enthusiastic of them all when it came to being a hero, he was constantly going on those stupidly cool rants about how he needed to smile just like all might when saving people to give them a sense of comfort, and not only that but he basically had a fan-boy attack every time he met a hero, hell he still has them around their teachers and he sees them every fucking day!

God he was infuriated! They think he's the traitor because of his notebooks to, no matter how many times he's tried to tell them that he's had those sense he could fucking write and that there was no way he's using them against them they still won't take his word for it! Seriously! Grow a fucking brain people!

Katsuki gave an angry yell as he let an explosion loos at his punching bag, it didn't break of course but it did make a very loud thump as it hit the corner of his room.

"God damn it!" Katsuki yelled as he finally plopped down on his bed,

Why was he the only one to understand this? He swears nobody else can see that the facts are fucking glaring them in the face, Izuku mother fucking Midoriya is no villain and no traitor!

He just.. He refused to believe it.

I mean he was Katsuki fucking Bakugou! Of course he was right!.. He had to be...


"WHAT?!" Katsuki yelled angrily as he heard someone knock on his door.

"Cans I come in?!" He heard the annoying (not really) voice of Denki come from the other side of the door.

Katsuki only groaned at that, he didn't say anything about whether he could come in or not but Denki didn't hear a no so he slowly opened the door, once it was open enough he poked his head in to see what Katsuki was doing, once he knew Katsuki wasn't changing he gave a sigh of relief before waltzing into the room and closing the door behind him because he's a gentleman like that.

"Hey Kacchan! How are you holding up?" Denki questioned as he plopped down onto the end of Katsuki's bed.

"Like fucking usual Dunce face, and don't fucking call me that!! Kacchan is for Deku only.." Katsuki grumbled the last statement, if Denki heard it he didn't say anything of it.

"Right.. Well, I just wanted to check on ya, Kirishima would but he's uh.. He's kinda busy with studying, he could use your help you know?" Denki stated lowly as he criss cross applesauced his legs, he didn't want to push but Kirishima really needed help..

"Deku also needed our help and we didn't do jack shit so I guess it's tough shit ain't it?" Katsuki stated as he rolled his eyes, and it was fucking true!

He remembers so vividly the day Aizawa had come to ask them questions, questions about Izuku and wondering what he'd been up to or where he was spasifically at the moment, he was at his mom's house it was a Saturday everyone fucking knew that, then when he asked why he wanted to know it came out that they thought he was the traitor, Katsuki wanted to laugh, Izuku? A villain? Give him a break! So he didn't say anything, because surely everyone else knew what rubbish that was, but no, of course not, not even a few days later they were told Izuku was going to prison for being the UA traitor, and Katsuki was to stunned to fight it then but now.. Now he made it known how fucking stupid it was.

Though I suppose now it's a bit to late to be voicing that opinion..

"Bakugou I.. I'm sorry I didn't say anything, or tell them that Mido wasn't the traitor, I mean.. I miss him.." Denki finally stated as he brought his legs up to his chest, he rested his chin on his knees and gave a sigh, he really did miss his and Izuku's study sessions..

"Whatever.. It's not like I stuck up for him either" Katsuki stated with a sigh as he sat up, maybe he was trying to cheer up Denki but you can't prove anything!

Denki gave a sad nod as he looked over at the door, he wasn't happy, not at all, but it wasn't like he could say anything about it to anyone, I mean everyone was just so.. Torn about it, a good portion of the class was devastated but moved on after the second week, I mean for Todoroki, Katsuki and him they just refused to believe that Izuku of all people betrayed them, even after Uraraka was supposedly attacked by Izuku they still refused to believe it! If Izuku attacked it was for a reason and he firmly believes that!

He couldn't help but let out an agitated sigh, Denki's grades had been slipping ever sense Izuku went missing, I mean they weren't the best before but Izuku was really good at explaining things in a way that he could understand, so now his grades were less then good, he was barely passing actually.

"Ugh.. why did She have to give them his notebook.." Denki grumbled, though Katsuki heard him, and it got his attention real quick.

"What." Katsuki stated, what did he mean by give them Izuku's notebook?

"Huh? What?" Denki questioned right back, did he say something? Did he not hear him?

"What about Deku's notebook?" Katsuki stated as he grabbed Denki's shoulders, he was unusually calm with his question..

"U-Uhm.. I'm not sure I should-" Denki started but was quickly cut off.

"Denki.." Katsuki growled in warning.

"Okay I'm sorry! They didn't just randomly find Midoriya's notebook someone gave it to Aizawa after they'd read it!" Denki quickly spilled, it was quiet for a moment, he watched Katsuki think about what he'd said before something dawned on Katsuki.

"Who." Katsuki asked with a glare.

"....Your not gonna.. uh do something stupid right..?" Denki questioned, though Katsuki only growled in response.

"WHO DENKI?!" Katsuki repeated much louder and angrier this time, clearly he wasn't having it.

"URARAKA! URARAKA GAVE THEM THE NOTEBOOK! S-SHE SAID SHE READ S-SOME OF IT!" Denki repeated in a panic, he really did wonder why he wanted to be a hero when he was so skittish..

Katsuki didn't waist any time in pushing Denki away before he quickly got up and walked out of his dorm room, he didn't bother to close the door behind him, soon enough he heard his door close and footsteps come up behind him, it didn't take a genius to realize Denki was following him.

"Dude what are you doing?!" Denki asked worriedly, as they walked into the elevator.

"Isn't it obvious?" Katsuki questioned as he looked over at Denki.

"No?!" Denki stated with a panicked look.

"Tch.. Were going to go grab the traitor" Katsuki stated as he pushed the elevator button for the bottom floor.

Denki wanted to argue but ultimately just shut his mouth, he trusted Katsuki's opinion, he was almost always right about these things!

Hopefully whatever Katsuki had planned works...

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