-°~Chapter 5~°-

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Word Count: 1,236

Small time skip✋💅✨

Also sorry for the long wait (-_-;)
No One's POV:

It has been a week sense Izuku asked that question, and to he's luck she said yes (after a bit of convincing of course).

Now he slept in the room that he woke up in, he didn't really do anything to it besides put clothes in it and such, he also got to see the rest of the house (Technically wear house but it was modified), and Amber has been a great person to live with, she usually slept during the day sense she did her vigilante work at night so at some point Izuku began to sleep during the day as well just so he could talk to Amber more along with make sure she wasn't hurt to much.

Though tonight it seemed that Amber was staying out a bit later, of course Izuku didn't mind but the sun was starting to shine which hasn't happened before.

She's never been this late..

But if Izuku was one thing that'd be hopeful, even after all this bullshit he was indeed hopeful that Amber would be alright, though he couldn't help but wonder what was keeping her, maybe a villain? Maybe she was running from the police? Maybe even a pro hero? Maybe she was running from Aizawa? He didn't know, but he hoped all was okay.

The second Amber came crashing down from the god damn window (thankfully it was open) he knew she, in fact, wasn't okay.

"OH MY GOD AMBER?!" Izuku screeched as he scurried over to her.

The second he was over there he quickly moved her a bit so she was laying on her back, though the large gash on her stomach made him want to puke, it looked tearable!

"Oh god! A-Amber~Kun can you hear me? Amber~Kun? Hello?" Izuku tried to get her to talk.

"Mmm.. Yeah yeah I can.. Hear you" Amber huffed out, she was obviously out of it.

"Thank god! H-Hear let me go grab some t-things so I can fix you up!" Izuku stated as he quickly got up to grab the stuff from the bathroom.

"...How the fuck does he know where the medical supplies are?" She silently pondered, though leaving him alone all night probably gave him time to wonder.

Speaking of leaving him alone she really needs to hook him up with a hobby, the poor kid it left alone most the time and she really doesn't wanna leave a hurting teen alone all the time, that just screams disaster in her opinion, maybe she should get him a pet? Grab a kitten on the side of the road? Surprise adopt another child? No that probably wouldn't work, she'll figure it out, as she thought about what to do she unzipped her vigilante outfit so Izuku could work, she had a bra on underneath so everything should be alright (though there really wasn't anything to see anyway...).

"I'm back! I've got the first aid kit! Please do NOT be dead!!" Izuku screeched as he messily ran over to Amber.

"Em not dead kid.." Amber stated sluggishly.

"Okay good!" Izuku stated as he sat down beside her.

He looked over the wound that was covered in dry blood, it looked like it'd been an open wound for at least a couple hours in order for it to be like this, which means Amber should've gotten this wound earlier on in her patrol, he's eyes hardened at the thought but quickly dismissed it so he could focus on the task at hand, he grabbed the hydrogen peroxide and also grabbed a cloth, with a heavy breath he looked back up at the vigilante.

"T-This is going to hurt..." Izuku wobbly stated, he really didn't want to hurt Amber but he's not sure there's a way he can do this without hurting her.

"I figured as much, just get it over with kiddo" Amber stated with a heavy sigh.

Izuku also gave a heavy unstable sigh, he's never done this on someone else before so he really wasn't ready but he knew it'd hurt, so with one more heavy breath he poured the peroxide right onto Amber's wound as he patted the cloth onto it as well to clean up the blood, as he did it Amber's eyes were screwed shut as she held a firm grip on the shabby rug beneath her, she wanted to scream but she held her jaw shut tight, she didn't want to scare the kid.

Once Izuku was done with that he couldn't help but look back up at Amber, she seemed rather pale and was breathing heavily but I guess that was to be expected, he grabbed another cloth and began to pat the wound to get rid of the rest of the blood along with peroxide.

"Are y-you doing okay A-Amber~Kun?" Izuku questioned quietly as he removed the cloth and put it to the side.

"Mhm... Are you gonna wrap it in bandages or do you need me to?" Amber asked with a slight huff.

"I-I can do it! Don't worry! J-Just sit up a-and I'll get you bandaged up!" Izuku hurriedly stated as he messily grabbed the bandages from the first aid kit.

Amber heaved an amused breath before she started to sit up, she held her breath as she sat up and when she finally did she slumped but hissed at the added pressure on her wound so she sat up a bit straighter so Izuku could work.

"Okay, ready?" Izuku asked.

"Yep" Amber stated quietly as she readied for Izuku to put the bandages on her.

"B-But what about your bra?" Izuku questioned nervously.

"My bra is literally bandages, it's fine kiddo" Amber stated with a huff of amusement.

Izuku squeaked in embarrassment as he quickly mumbled an apology before he began to bandage up Amber's wound, he was honestly glad he didn't need to give Amber stitches, he probably would've cried if he had to do some sewing on a human being.

Actually after this he might just cry, he hasn't cried for a hot minute, a hot minute being he hasn't cried today so logically he has to cry today.

They stayed silent for a moment as Izuku quietly bandaged the vigilante, he also wondered what they'd have to eat, though Amber was simply relaxing at the silence between them, last night had been hectic as hell so the comfortable silence was really nice in her book, when Izuku was done he slumped as he looked down, maybe he could just go straight to bed.

"Hando" Amber suddenly stated.

"Huh?" Izuku questioned as he looked back up at Amber questioningly.

"Hando, Hando Amber is my name" Amber stated as she gave a shy smile with a slight head tilt as she looked at Izuku.

"O-Oh! Okay then H-Hando?" Izuku stated just as shyly, he couldn't help but scratch the back of he's neck.

Amber- I mean Hando couldn't help but give a small giggle at that, she ruffled Izuku's hair before she got up off the floor.

"Come on kiddo, let's get fixed up and go steal some food, sound good?" Hando asked with a cheeky smile.

With a large grin Izuku nodded, maybe he could stay up for just a bit longer...

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