-°~Chapter 2~°-

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Word count: 1,119

My cat is in my lap :D
No one's POV:

It had been a while sense they'd left him in the interrogation room, he'd long ago stopped crying, he now just had a blank look on he's face, though despite the blank look on he's face he was feeling a lot of things.

Half the things he couldn't even properly register, and he wasn't going to try because if he did he thinks he might break.

Suddenly the door opened, Aizawa walked in, he walked over to Izuku was looking at him with an unreadable expression on he's face, he unlocked the quirk suppressing cuffs only to to put another pair on him, Aizawa gentility brought Izuku up from the chair before he started to lead Izuku out of the room.

Even though Izuku had so many questions, so many things he wanted to say or even fucking yell, but he decided it wouldn't be worth it, he was quirkless again for the most part, so he'd probably be beat if he so much as breathed wrong, even if he didn't think Aizawa was like that he wasn't taking a chance.

"Go in there problem child" Aizawa told him unexpectedly gentile.

"Mm..." Izuku only hummed as he walked into the jail cell, it was closed right behind him.

"Problem child?" Aizawa called for Izuku's attention.

Izuku didn't bother to say anything, he just looked over at he's tea-... At the pro hero expectingly.

"Did you actually do it?" Aizawa asked seriously, he knew Izuku wasn't the traitor but he needed to hear it from him.

"....No I didn't, but I guess that doesn't matter anymore." Izuku stated quietly, with a humorless laugh.

It hurt to much to hear the usually happy child turn so sad, so he quickly turned around leaving he's stud-... Leaving Izuku to be on he's own.

Izuku sat down on the bed as he started to think, why was this happening to him of all people? He's always had it bad he's acknowledged that, though he's also acknowledged that none of it was he's fault, and he wonders, was this one he's fault.

Thinking over everything he started to wonder, just how did they get he's notebook? He keeps those close to him, he always has because he knows those are dangerous and could kill many people if they got in the wrong hands, so that begged the question, did he simply forget one or did someone go and take it then give it to the hero's?

Before he could think about it more he saw someone walk up he's cell, looking up he's eyes widened in surprise.

"Uraraka~San? What are you doing here?" Izuku questioned, that bad feeling he felt earlier was starting to grow again.

"Deku~Kun, I'm sorry it had to come to this" Uraraka stated as she looked down.

"...Huh?" Izuku questioned, what was she talking about? "Uraraka, what are you talking about?" He pushed.

"I just needed to get you out of the way, I thought they'd just kick you out I didn't realize they'd think your the UA traitor" Uraraka rambled anxiously.

Realization came across Izuku's face as Uraraka kept rambling on how she didn't mean for this to happen, and he started to feel angry, though this type of angry wasn't something Izuku thinks he's ever felt.

"Your the UA traitor." Izuku stated, he wasn't asking.

"I... Yes, I truly didn't mean for this to happen to you, I mean I love you! So-" before she could say anything else she felt herself be tugged against the cell.

Opening her eyes she saw a look on Izuku that yelled anger, she's never seen Izuku look like this, he had a tight grip on her clothes keeping her close to he's face.

"You bitch! You fucking ruined my life and you think your pathetic love confession will make this any better?!" Izuku yelled in pure anger.

"N-No! B-But I can g-get you out-" Uraraka tried to reason, but Izuku refused to lesion.

"You better fucking hope I never get out of here, because if I do your fucking dead." Izuku seethed in a quiet whisper, but Uraraka got the point, she's fucked.

Aizawa suddenly walked in along with other pro hero's, they all must have saw what was happening and went to stop it.

"Problem child, let her go" Aizawa told him carefully.

With a growl pushed he's arm out the held onto Uraraka before letting go making her fall and hit her head on the concrete floor, she let out a cry as she went cover her head.

The other hero's went to get Uraraka out but Aizawa knew Izuku wouldn't attack without reason, and guessing from he's face something defiantly happened.

"Problem child calm down" Aizawa stated.

He didn't respond, he just watched as Uraraka was taken out of the room, probably for some medical treatment, he doesn't know what came over him or where that anger even came from, but he doesn't feel an ounce of regret, and he sure as hell meant every word he said.

She will fucking pay.

"Problem child" Aizawa called for he's attention.

Reluctantly Izuku looked over at him, he didn't really want to talk to him but he did anyway.

"You better keep yourself in check" Aizawa warned before leaving.

Once he was gone Izuku growled, he's fists clenched painfully in a white knuckle grip, in a fit of rage he pulled he's foot back and kicked the cell door, he must have accidentally used OFA because the door broke right off the hinges making a laud bang go threw the room, he's eyes widened as he realized they probably heard that.

If they did would they hurt him? Would they do the same thing everyone else did? Would they kill him?!

Now in a state of panic Izuku activated OFA, he ran as fast as he could without breaking any bones, soon enough he was out of the building, but he didn't stop, he couldn't, he didn't want to die yet.


When the hero's heard the bang they quickly made there way to the cells, they expected a lot of things, but not a broken empty cell that used to hold Izuku, they were quick to look for him, but they couldn't find him.

How did he get out of there so fast? They thought it was simply Kurogiri but if it was how did Izuku get into contact with him?

Uraraka sat wide eyed, she knew, she already knew, and she feared what would happen when Izuku found her.

She prayed he wouldn't do anything when he dose finally find her.

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